Naposledy aktualizováno v dubnu 9, 2024

Existují tři hlavní pouště v Kalifornii: Mohavská poušť, poušť Colorado, a Great Basin Desert.

Kalifornské pouště mají jedinečné ekosystémy a stanoviště, sociokulturní a historická sbírka legend „Starého západu“., okresů a obcí, které zároveň tvoří turisticky vyhledávaný region s dramatickými přírodními zvláštnostmi a rekreačním rozvojem.

All of the deserts are located in eastern Southern California in the “desert belt” of Southwestern United States.


The Mohavská poušť is bounded by the Tehachapi Mountains to the northwest, pohoří San Gabriel a San Bernardino na jih, a sahá na východ k hranicím Kalifornie s Arizonou a Nevadou; tvoří také části severozápadní Arizony.

This desert is known for its hot and dry climate, as well as its unique and diverse plant and animal life, včetně Joshua tree and the Mojave rattlesnake.

The Poušť Colorado is located in the southeastern corner of the state, mezi řekou Colorado a Transverse Ranges, a pokračuje do Mexika a Arizony na jih a východ.

This desert is characterized by its hot and dry climate, as well as its unique flora and fauna, including the Palm Springs cypress and the desert tortoise.

The Velká pánev poušť lies immediately east of the Sierra Nevada and extends eastward into the state of Nevada.

This desert is also known for its harsh and arid climate, as well as its unique plant and animal life, including the Great Basin bristlecone pine and the Great Basin rattlesnake.

Mapa pouští v Kalifornii
Mapa kalifornských pouští

Kalifornské pouště

Mohavská poušť

Mohavská poušť, also known as the High Desert, je jednou z hlavních atrakcí a symbolů Spojených států. Celkem zabírá plochu o 60 tisíc km², pokrývající většinu jižní Kalifornie.

The desert is named after the place where the Mohave tribe originated.

Tento kmen amerických Indiánů okupoval tyto země, usazující se nedaleko místa, kde dnes stojí Las Vegas.

The Mojave Desert includes vast protected areas such as the Mojave National Reserve, Národní park Joshua Tree, a Národní park Death Valley.

Ty jsou jistě jen jednou z hlavních atrakcí Mohavské pouště, ale celých Spojených států.

Kelso Dunes - Mojave Preserve

Poušť Colorado

Poušť Colorado je součástí větší pouště Sonora, která pokrývá území několika kalifornských okresů.

Poloostrovní pohoří a další pohoří jižní Kalifornie a Dolní Kalifornie blokují většinu vzduchu a poruch z východní pobřežní zóny Tichého oceánu, čímž vzniká suché klima.

Existují dvě období dešťů, jeden v zimě a druhý na konci léta, zejména v jižní části pouště.

Velká pánev poušť

The Great Basin Desert area extends partly into eastern California.

Jde o posloupnost malých sedimentárních pánví protkaných horskými hřebeny.

Mnohé z nich byly kdysi trvalými jezery, jako v případě jezera Lahontan, která dnes pokrývala oblast odpovídající oblasti mezi Oregonem, Nevada, a Kalifornie.

High Desert and Low Desert

The terms “high desert” and “low desert” are commonly used to refer to two distinct regions of the California desert.

The high desert is located at a higher altitude, typically 4,000 na 6,000 chodidla (1,200 na 1,800 m) nad hladinou moře, while the low desert is located at a lower altitude, typically 2,000 na 4,000 chodidla (600 na 1,200 m) nad hladinou moře.

Jako výsledek, the high desert is generally cooler and has more rainfall than the low desert.

The California Desert Conservation Area (CDCA) is a large region of land in southeastern California that includes parts of the Mojave Desert, poušť Colorado, a Great Basin Desert.

The CDCA is managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the National Park Service (NPS). The CDCA does not officially recognize the terms “high desert” and “low desert,” but they are often used to refer to different parts of the CDCA.

Například, the NPS refers to the area around Death Valley National Park as the “high desert,” while the BLM refers to the area around Palm Springs as the “low desert.”

Nakonec, the terms “high desert” and “low desert” are just informal ways to refer to different parts of the California desert. There is no official definition of these terms, and their use can vary depending on the context.

California Deserts FAQs

What are the three main deserts located in California?

The three main deserts located in California are the Mojave Desert, Poušť Colorado, and Great Basin Desert, the are all located in the eastern region of California.

How much of California is a desert?

Přibližně 44% of California is classified as desert, while the remaining 66% of the state is made up of a variety of landscapes including mountain ranges, beaches and coastal areas, rivers and lakes, agricultural land, and urban areas.

What are National Parks you can visit in the Deserts of California?

The three national parks located in California’s Mojave Desert are Národní park Joshua Tree, Národní park Death Valley, and Mojave National Preserve.

Joshua Tree National Park is known for its stunning rock formations and unique plant and animal life, and is a popular destination for rock climbing.

Death Valley National Park is the driest and lowest point in the United States and is known for its extreme temperatures and unique geological features.

Mojave National Preserve is home to a diverse array of plant and animal life, as well as a number of historic sites and cultural landmarks.

What cities and towns can you find in the desert of California?

The largest cities located in the deserts of California are Palm Springs and Palm Desert, both of which are located in the Colorado Desert.

Palm Springs is a popular destination known for its hot springs, golf courses, and mid-century modern architecture, while Palm Desert is home to a number of shopping centers and recreational facilities.

Both cities offer a range of amenities and services for residents and visitors, and are important centers of culture and commerce in the region.

Other notable cities located in the deserts of California include Twentynine Palms, Indio, and Barstow.

What are the high desert and low desert in California?

The high desert and low desert in California are two distinct regions of the state’s desert landscape.

The high desert is located at a higher altitude than the low desert, so it is generally cooler and has more rainfall. Some example cities and regions in the high desert include Death Valley National Park, Národní park Joshua Tree, Národní rezervace Mojave, Landers, Victorville, and Barstow.

The low desert is located at a lower altitude than the high desert, so it is generally hotter and drier. Some example cities and regions in the low desert include Palm Springs, Palmová poušť, Indio, Coachella Valley, Borrego Springs, and Anza-Borrego Desert State Park.

Přečtěte si také: Deserts of the USA

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