Naposledy aktualizováno v září 25, 2023

Peek-a-Boo Slot Canyon a Spooky Gulch Slot Canyon jsou dva z nejpopulárnějších slotových kaňonů v jižním Utahu..

Tyto nádherné túry, nachází se v oblasti Dry Fork v oblasti Grand Staircase – národní památka Escalante, jsou nutností pro všechny milovníky dobrodružství.

The loop generally takes about 3-4 hours to complete, making it an ideal activity for a full day of adventure.

Peekaboo Slot Canyon and Spooky Gulch Slot Canyon are two of the most amazing slot canyons in Utah.

With their unique and stunning landscapes, they provide a thrilling and unforgettable experience for visitors.

Tak, if you’re looking for an adventure in Southern Utah, be sure to add these to your bucket list.

Peek-a-Boo Slot Canyon
Peek-a-Boo Slot Canyon (Red Canyon Utah)

Peek-a-Boo Slot Canyon

Peekaboo (also known as Red Canyon) is known for its distinctive red and purple rock formations, which provide a stunning backdrop for hikers and photographers. To reach Peek-a-Boo, visitors must hike through the Dry Fork Wash and scramble down short cliffs to reach the mouth of the canyon.

Once inside, they can enjoy a unique and intimate experience as they navigate the tight and twisting spaces of the canyon..

Unlike many of the Escalante-area slot canyons, Peek-a-Boo requires zero technical gear or know-how, making it accessible to all. nicméně, it does require some navigational and rock-scrambling skills.

From the trailhead, you can reach the Dry Fork Wash by moderate scrambling down some short cliffs and following cairns.

Once you reach the sand dunes, hike along the creek wash until you reach the mouth of Peek-a-Boo. There are hand and foot cut-outs in the rock that will help you get up and into the canyon.

Spooky Gulch Slot Canyon

Spooky Gulch is a narrow slot canyon, perfect for visitors looking for a thrilling adventure. It is worth noting that the restrictive nature of some of the spaces in Spooky Gulch makes it better suited for smaller body types. nicméně, this does not take away from the excitement and beauty of the canyon.

After leaving Peek-a-Boo, keep hiking until you reach a juniper tree. Follow the trail and cairns that lead to the right and the entrance of Spooky Gulch.

Scramble down a mellow rock face to enter the canyon. It soon tightens up, providing a fuIf you’re a fan of Japanese horror manga and love exploring off-the-beaten-path destinations, then Spooky Gulch Slot Canyon is the perfect adventure for you and challenging experience.

Spooky Gulch Slot Canyon
Spooky Gulch Slot Canyon

This is My Hole

If you’re a fan of Japanese horror manga and love exploring off-the-beaten-path destinations, then visiting Spooky Gulch Slot Canyon may feel just like venturing through the – much spookier – rock formations in Junji Ito’s masterpiece “The Enigma of Amigara’s Fault“.

For the uninitiated, the aforementioned horror manga explores the strange and unsettling concept of people finding holes in the side of a mountain that are perfectly sized to fit them. In the story, they’re compelled to explore the interior of the holes, leading to a labyrinthine underworld filled with dark, twisted horrors.

Spooky Canyon offers a much less dreadful experience, but its narrow slot canyons that twist and turn, can surely make you feel like you have just found “your” person-sized hole.

View from top of the Slot Canyon.
View from top of the Canyon.

Sandboarding Tours

Sandboarding at Peek-a-Boo Slot Canyon is a unique and thrilling activity for outdoor enthusiasts and adventure seekers. Viz také: Sandboarding v Utahu

The sand dunes surrounding the canyon offer the perfect opportunity for sandboarding, and with a UTV ride included in the adventure, getting to the dunes is half the fun.

Hop on a guided tour and you can enjoy the thrill of sliding down the dunes in a safe and controlled environment.

The sunset over the canyon only adds to the magical experience, making it the perfect activity for families, friends, and solo travelers.

For an even better sandboarding experience, ujistěte se check out Coral Pink Sand dunes nearby.

Dostávat se tam

To reach Peek-a-Boo Slot Canyon and Spooky Gulch Slot Canyon from Kanab:

  1. Head east on US-89 towards Glendale.
  2. Turn right onto UT-9 and continue for approximately 19 mil.
  3. Turn left onto Hole-in-the-Rock Road and continue for about 26 miles until you reach the Dry Fork Trailhead.
  4. From the trailhead, hike through the Dry Fork Wash to reach Peek-a-Boo Slot Canyon. Follow cairns and rock formations to reach the entrance of Spooky Gulch Slot Canyon.

To reach Peek-a-Boo Slot Canyon and Spooky Gulch Slot Canyon from Zion National Park:

  1. Head south on UT-9 for approximately 40 mil.
  2. Turn right onto Hole-in-the-Rock Road and continue for about 26 miles until you reach the Dry Fork Trailhead.
  3. From the trailhead, hike through the Dry Fork Wash to reach Peek-a-Boo Slot Canyon. Follow cairns and rock formations to reach the entrance of Spooky Gulch Slot Canyon.

To reach Peek-a-Boo Slot Canyon and Spooky Gulch Slot Canyon from Escalante:

  1. Drive 26 miles south on UT-12 to Hole-in-the-Rock Road. Turn left and continue for 3.2 miles to the Dry Fork Trailhead.
  2. From the trailhead, hike 1.5 miles through the Dry Fork Wash to reach Peek-a-Boo Slot Canyon.
  3. Follow cairns and rock formations to reach the entrance of Spooky Gulch Slot Canyon.

Přečtěte si také: Pouštní města v Utahu: 7 Místa, která musíte navštívit pro outdoorové dobrodružství

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