Sidst opdateret i februar 29, 2024

Der er masser af muligheder for fans af sandboarding i Uruguay, mest placeret rundt om kysten.

De bedste klitter ligger i Rocha nær Kap Polonio, selvom der er masser af mindre strandklitter, som du kan ramme nær større byer i Canelones og Maldonado.

Montevideo har ikke særlig stejle klitter men du kan finde nogle små skråninger nær afkørslen 6. Alternativt, gå til det nærliggende Lomas de Solymar og El Pinar strande for nogle spændende forlystelser.

Sandboarding i Uruguay - Lomas de Solymar, cannelloni
Sandboarding ved Lomas de Solymar – Kystens by, Uruguay. Foto venligst udlånt af Germantito.

Sandboarding i Rocha

Klitter af Cabo Polonio

Mobile klitter nær landsbyen Cabo Polonio på den østlige kyst af Uruguays Rocha-afdeling. Pladsen er kun tilgængelig ved at vandre i klitterne til fods eller køre med 4×4 offroad køretøjer.

Dunas de Valiza

The Dunas de Valizas are expansive sand dunes that provide a panoramic view of the Atlantic coast, Valizas, and Cabo Polonio. Situated in the Rocha department of Uruguay, these dunes offer a remarkable natural landscape for visitors to explore.

Santa Teresas park

Santa Teresa’s Park is a national park located in Uruguay, known for its rich historical significance and natural beauty. Within the park, visitors can find a historic fort, naturlige stier, og sandstrande.

Sandboarding i Canelones

Nedstigning 6 – Montevideo

Nedstigning 6 is a location on the eastern side of Montevideo, Uruguay, nær udgang 6 (drop seks). In this area, you can find small coastal dunes suitable for sandboarding. These dunes offer an accessible and convenient option for sandboarding enthusiasts to enjoy the sport.

Lomas de Solymar – Kystens by

Lomas de Solymar is a residential neighborhood located in Ciudad de la Costa, which is part of the Canelones department in Uruguay. Within this neighborhood, there are dunes suitable for sandboarding. These dunes are located in close proximity to the beach, which is usually quiet and offers a tranquil setting for sandboarding activities.

Las Vegas Strand / Plata Beach Park – El Pinar

Las Vegas Beach and Parque del Plata Beach are two neighboring beaches located in the El Pinar area of Uruguay. These beaches are separated by Solis Chico Creek. Sandboarding enthusiasts visiting Las Vegas Beach or Parque del Plata Beach can explore the coastal landscape and find suitable spots for sand surfing.

Sandboarding i Maldonado

Chihuahua Strand

One of the locations suitable for sandboarding is Chihuahua Beach, which is a naturist beach in Maldonado. Along with its naturist atmosphere, Chihuahua Beach features small coastal dunes where sandboarding can be enjoyed. These dunes provide an ideal setting for sandboarding enthusiasts to experience the thrill of riding down the sandy slopes while enjoying the beautiful beach surroundings.

Rød tip

Punta Colorada is a stunning open beach located in Maldonado, Uruguay. While the description doesn’t specifically mention steep sand dunes, it highlights the beach’s spectacular landscape.

While sandboarding opportunities may not be characterized by very steep slopes in this area, sandboarding enthusiasts visiting Punta Colorada can still enjoy the natural beauty of the beach and explore the sandy areas available for sandboarding activities.

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