Última actualización en enero 30, 2024

Iquique, una vibrante ciudad costera en el norte de Chile,is home to a unique attraction that has captured the hearts of locals and visitors alike.

Conocido como Dragon Hill o Dragon Hill, esta colosal duna de arena se extiende por aproximadamente 4 kilómetros dentro de la ciudad, creando un espectáculo natural que deja una impresión duradera.

Con una superficie de 337.53 hectáreas, Cerro Dragón se erige como emblema de la identidad y el encanto de Iquique.

Se sitúa a lo largo de la zona litoral del Tarapacá Desert, por lo que es la duna de arena urbana más grande del mundo, solo superado por las poderosas dunas del Sahara.

Elevándose desde un estrecho saliente rocoso que precede a un acantilado de 500 metros de altura, esta impresionante formación natural ocupa un lugar de distinción en el paisaje de Iquique.

Sandboard en Cerro Dragón
Sandboarding en Cerro Dragón, Iquique, Chile. Foto cortesía de Cristián Calcagno

Con actividades como sandboarding y paseos en moto, Cerro Dragón también ofrece una experiencia única y emocionante para los viajeros que buscan agregar un poco de sabor a su itinerario..

Origin and Characteristics

The Dragon dune originated approximately 20,000 years ago due to the action of coastal winds. It spans approximately 4 kilometers in length and covers an area of 337.53 hectáreas.

The dune is situated on a narrow, rocoso, low marine terrace that precedes a 500-meter high cliff facing the city of Iquique on the coast of the Tarapacá desert.

The Cerro Dragón dune is believed to have formed during the last glaciation period, when the sea level was 100 meters further inland, exposing the coastal edge to erosion and sedimentation by wind.

Este Dia, the dune is no longer fed by coastal winds and is therefore considered a relic.

Impact of Urbanization

The growth of Iquique has impacted the dune. Before it was declared a nature sanctuary, construction permits were granted on its western slope, leading to the removal of large volumes of sand to create space for construction.

Este Dia, Cerro Dragón is managed by the Municipality of Iquique and serves as a venue for various recreational and sports activities.

Its unique location between the urban settlement of Iquique on the low marine terrace and the growing urbanization of Alto Hospicio on the pampa, along with its open, imposing, and original landscape, gives Iquique a unique identity.

In recognition of its unique characteristics, Cerro Dragón has become a symbol for the Iquique community, forming an integral part of their territorial identity. Its geomorphological features and stunning natural beauty have also made it an important tourist attraction and a focus of scientific studies.

On April 18, 2005, Cerro Dragón was declared a National Monument in the category of Nature Sanctuary, reflecting its heritage value and its scientific, cultural, natural, and tourist importance.

The Legend of the Dragon Dune

En el reino del folklore, Cerro Dragón holds an intriguing legend. Según la creencia popular, Un colosal dragón expulsado de China hace tiempo encontró su lugar de descanso en las costas de Iquique. Trató de apoderarse de la tierra y sembrar el miedo en la tribu Changos cercana..

Los cuentos hablan del dominio extremo del dragón, que incluso llevó al secuestro de la hija del jefe tribal.

Se dice que la guarida del dragón reside en las afueras de Cerro Dragón., envuelto en misterio y cautivando la imaginación de lugareños y visitantes por igual.

Cerro Dragón is not just a geographical marvel, but also a hotspot for adventure sports, particularly sandboarding.

The dune’s vast expanse and varying slopes make it an ideal location for both beginners and experienced sandboarders.

Hay varios sandboarding schools in Iquique, such as Munay Sandboard and Sandboard Iquique, offering lessons and expeditions to Cerro Dragón.

These schools provide all necessary equipment, including boards and helmets, and professional instruction to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

A Unique Sandboarding Experience in Iquique

The sandboarding experience at Cerro Dragón is unlike anywhere else. The adventure begins with a brief instruction session to familiarize participants with the correct use of the boards on the sand.

Following this, participants can slide down stretches ranging from 20 a 30 meters under the supervision of an instructor.

As they gain confidence, they can try longer stretches and experience the adrenaline rush that this sport offers.

Sandboarding at Cerro Dragón has significantly contributed to Iquique’s tourism.

The thrilling rides, coupled with the stunning views of Iquique city, attract adventure enthusiasts from around the world.

The dune’s status as the largest urban sand dune in the world further adds to its appeal.

Tours Recomendados

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Mapa de Sandboarding de América del Sur

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