Viimati uuendatud juunis 10, 2023

Enamik talispordi harrastajaid ootab pikisilmi aasta esimest lund, et suusatada ja kelgutada, aga mitte Lõuna-Californias.

Los Angeleses, talvel kelgutatakse rannas, where every year around Thanksgiving large sand berms are built as a form of protection from strong winds and waves.

Yet, these artificial sand hills have a secondary, more important function: lõbus! Kids and adults of all ages enjoy heading to the beach with plastic sleds and toboggans and attempt gliding down the sandy slopes.

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Sand Sledding at the Hermosa Beach Pier Sand Berms

LA Beach Winter Sledding 2022

Construction of the sand berms on most beaches started last week on November 24th (Thanksgiving) and is usually finished by the weekend.

There are several locations where sand sledding can be practiced in LA and around Socal, and the berms are usually taken down in late February or early March.

Mõned most popular beaches where you can practice this fun activity are:

Sand Sledding in Hermosa Beach Los Angeles
People sliding down the artificial dune in Hermosa Beach

Alternatiivina, it is possible to practice liivakelgutamine year-round in Malibu, on a huge natural sandhill in Punkt Mugu, located on the east end of Thornhill Broome Beach. California also has plenty of options for sandboarding outside of LA, nagu beach dunes near Oceano and Pismo Beach, või desert dunes of the Mojave desert.

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