Zadnje ažurirano travanj 9, 2024

The Dine San Cosme i Damian su jedno od onih rajskih mjesta koje možete pronaći samo u Paragvaju.

Prije mnogo godina, bile su jednostavno dine na vrhu brda na Parani, ali s porastom rijeke zbog akumulacije brane Yacyretá, ovi su počeli formirati izolirani otok bijelog pijeska, ugniježđen usred vode.

Da dođem do dina, potrebno je organizirati prijevoz brodom ili trajektom.

Imajte na umu da nosite vreće za svoj otpad, krema za sunčanje, oprema za hladovinu i sjedenje, od these are deserted islands in the middle of nowhere.

It is precisely that isolation gives it the paradisiacal touch and tranquility, što svojim plažama s kristalno čistim morem najviše zavidi u zemlji.

Nažalost, dine su u opasnosti od nestanka zbog porasta razine vode rijeke Paraná.

Dine San Cosme i Damián
San Cosme i Damian Dunes, okružen rijekom Paraná.

Sandboarding u San Cosme i Damian Dunes – Itapua Department

The dine nalaze se usred rijeke Paraná koja dijeli Paragvaj i Argentinu.

Da biste došli do dina, morate organizirati izlet gliserom od pristaništa “Prefectura Naval” u San Cosmeu i Damiánu. Putovanje traje 45 do 60 minuta u jednom smjeru.

The San Cosme and Damián Dunes are a natural attraction located in San Cosme y Damián, in the Itapúa Department of Paraguay.

These dunes are situated in the middle of the Paraná River, which forms the border between Paraguay and Argentina.

They are known for their scenic beauty and the opportunity to engage in sandboarding.

To visit the San Cosme and Damián Dunes, you can arrange a speedboat trip from the “Prefectura Naval” pier in San Cosme and Damián.

The journey typically takes around 45 do 60 minuta u jednom smjeru. It is advisable to organize the boat trip in advance.

San Cosme y Damián itself is a district located in the southern part of the Itapúa Department.

With a population of approximately 10,454 stanovnika, it is situated on the banks of the Paraná River.

The district is notable for housing the architectural remains of the most important Jesuit Reductions in Paraguay.

These reductions are historically significant and showcase the legacy of the Jesuit missions in the region.

The San Cosme and Damián Dunes offer a unique natural landscape for exploration.

Visitors can engage in sandboarding, which involves sliding down the sandy slopes on a board. It is a thrilling activity that attracts adventurous travelers.

The dunes are relatively remote and require a boat trip to reach. Visitors often take a small boat for about an hour to reach the dunes and then return via the same route. It is advisable to check the details and arrangements for the boat trip.

The San Cosme and Damián Dunes have gained recognition for their natural beauty and recreational opportunities.

These dunes are an exceptional attraction in the region, allowing visitors to enjoy the scenic dunes and engage in sandboarding activities.

Primamo naknadu kada dobijete ponudu od Svjetski nomadi pomoću ove veze. Ne predstavljamo Svjetski nomadi. Ovo nije preporuka za kupnju putnog osiguranja. Pokrivene aktivnosti mogu se promijeniti ovisno o vašem odredištu i zemlji prebivališta.

Karta Srednje Amerike za sandboarding

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