最終更新日: 8 月 12, 2023

When planning a desert hike or camping trip, it’s essential to have a well-stocked first aid kit 手元に.

砂漠は過酷な環境になる可能性があります, 極端な気温と険しい地形, 医療上の緊急事態はいつでも発生する可能性があります.

A quality desert hiking first aid kit can be a lifesaver when you have a medical emergency while stranded in the middle of nowhere.

From heat stroke and dehydration to snake bites and cuts from rocky terrain, it’s important to be prepared for any potential hazards.

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Desert first aid kit
Desert first aid kit

Sand vs Rocky Deserts

When assembling a desert first aid kit, it’s important to consider the unique challenges of the desert environment.

Sand deserts, such as the Sahara or Arabian desert, put you at increased risk of hazards such as severe sunburn and dehydration.

It’s important to pack plenty of sunscreen and water, as well as a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses to protect yourself from the sun.

A sun shelter or shade tarp may also come in handy for breaks during the hottest parts of the day.

Desert-dwelling snakes and scorpions lurk beneath the sand so a snake bike kit may be needed, depending on location.

岩だらけの砂漠, such as the Mojave and Sonoran deserts of the American Southwest, can present hazards such as cuts, scrapes, and sprains from rough terrain.

It’s important to pack extra supplies such as gauze, bandages, and athletic tape to treat these types of injuries.

A sturdy pair of hiking boots or shoes with good ankle support and a hiking pole may also come in handy for added stability on rocky terrain.

Rocky deserts can also host venomous snakes and other dangerous creatures, such as beaded lizards in Mexico or the Gila monster in the US, so make sure to research your location of interest in advance and plan accordingly.

Desert First Aid Kit

いつ packing a first aid kit for a hot desert, whether it be a sandy or rocky desert, it is important to consider the unique hazards of the environment.

Some essential items to include in any desert first aid kit are:

  • 日焼け止めリップクリーム to protect against sunburn
  • Insect repellent to protect against ticks and other biting insects
  • Water and electrolyte replacement tablets to prevent dehydration
  • Snake bite kit, if you’ll be hiking in an area known to have venomous snakes
  • Tweezers, to remove cactus spines and and desert ticks
  • A compass and map, in case of getting lost
  • A flashlight or headlamp, in case of an emergency at night
  • A small amount of water purification tablets or water flask with a purification system, in case of running out of water

In addition to these items, it’s also important to include the basics that you would find in any first aid kit such as bandages, ガーゼ, adhesive tape, はさみ, and pain relievers.


Surviveware サバイバル応急処置キットSurviveware サバイバル応急処置キット

ラピッドケア 応急処置 ユニット化された応急処置キット

Ven-Ex スネーク バイト キット
ヘビに対する毒抽出器, サソリ, クモ, ミツバチとハチ.

Surviveware サバイバル応急処置キット

Surviveware サバイバル応急処置キット is an excellent choice for hikers and campers heading into the desert. The kit includes over 100 first aid supplies and 9 high-quality survival essentials, such as a knife, multi-function paracord bracelet, and emergency flashlight.

The portable design allows for easy transport on a backpack or attachment to an ATV or truck.

Included in the kit:

600D Polyester Bag, 6″ Shears, Tweezers, Emergency Blanket, Whistle, Triangular Bandage, Tape, Crepe Bandages(1), PBT Conforming Bandage(1), Butterfly Bandages – Medium(5), Butterfly Bandages – Large(5), Knuckle Bandages(5), Large Rectangular Bandages(2), Mini Bandages(5), Square Bandages(5), Standard Bandages(20), Cotton Gauze Swabs(3), Cotton Ear Swabs(10), Safety Pins(4), Splinter Removal Probes(2), Cotton Balls(10), Personal Laminate Baggies(6), Nitrile Gloves (Located in the the CPR Pouch).

Survival gear: Premium Knife, マルチツール, Poncho, Signaling Mirror, Wire Saw, Paracord Bracelet.

ラピッドケア 応急処置 ユニット化された応急処置キット

ラピッドケア 応急処置 ユニット化された応急処置キット is ideal for people who live in the desert as it exceeds OSHA and ANSI standards, making it perfect for most environments, including offices, fleet vehicles, manufacturing facilities and work sites.

The kit comes with 6 burn creams and 2 eye pads, which can be used to provide immediate relief from sunburns or other burns caused by the desert environment, as well as bandages, alcohol pads, antibiotic ointments, antiseptic towelettes, gauze pads, もっと.

Kit includes: 20 extreme hold bandages (1″ x 3″); blood stopper; CPR barrier; trauma pad; 20 fabric bandages (3/4″ x 3″); 5 fabric knuckle bandages; 5 fabric finger tip bandages; 2 fabric bandages (2″ x 3″); 20 alcohol pads; 6 antibiotic ointments; 10 antiseptic towelettes; 10 applicators; 6 burn creams; 2 eye pads; eye wash; 4 gauze pads (3″ x 3″); instant cold compress; 4 NIST role gloves; 3 safety pins; はさみ; 2 splints; 2 tapes; triangular bandage; tweezers.

Ven-Ex スネーク バイト キット

Ven-Ex スネーク バイト キット is a great choice if you are building your own desert hiking or camping first aid kit.

The kit includes a venom extractor suction pump, two different sized plastic extraction cups, and a tourniquet band to control the spread of venom, and a CPR Face Shield in 2″x2″ nylon webbing pouch.

The kit is designed to help with the extraction of venom from snake bites, しかし it can also be used for scorpion stings, bee stings, wasp stings, spider bites and other types of venomous bites and stings.

The venom extractor suction pump and plastic extraction cups included in the kit can effectively remove venom from just beneath the skin.

でも, it should be noted that the effectiveness of the extractor may vary depending on the location and depth of the bite or sting, and professional medical attention should always be sought immediately.

The kit is meant to reduce exposure to the venom as quickly as possible, but cannot substitute medical care.

Common First Aid Needs in the Desert

Heat exhaustion

This is a mild form of heat illness that can occur when you are exposed to high temperatures for an extended period of time.

Symptoms include heavy sweating, pale skin, 頭痛, nausea, and dizziness.

Treatment includes moving to a cool place, drinking fluids, and taking a cool shower or bath.

Heat stroke

This is a more serious form of heat illness that can be fatal if not treated promptly.

Symptoms include a high body temperature (その上 105 華氏), ホット, 乾燥肌, 混乱, そして発作.

Treatment includes moving to a cool place, applying cool compresses, and drinking fluids.


Dehydration is a common risk in the desert due to the hot and dry conditions. It occurs when the body loses more fluids through sweating than it takes in.

Symptoms include excessive thirst, dry mouth, fatigue, dizziness, and decreased urine output.

Prevent dehydration by drinking plenty of water and electrolyte-rich fluids, and seeking shade to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun.


This is an injury to the skin caused by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) 太陽からの光線.

Symptoms include redness, pain, 腫れ, and blistering.

Treatment includes applying cool compresses, taking over-the-counter pain medication, and using sunscreen in the future.


These are fluid-filled sacs that form on the skin when it is rubbed or burned.

Treatment includes keeping the blisters clean and covered, and applying antibiotic ointment.


If you are bitten by a snake, すぐに医師の診察を受けることが重要です.

Do not try to suck out the venom, cut the wound, or apply a tourniquet.

Scorpion stings

Scorpion stings can be painful, but they are rarely fatal.

Symptoms include pain, 腫れ, and redness at the sting site.

Treatment includes applying ice to the sting site, taking over-the-counter pain medication, and seeking medical attention if symptoms are severe.

また読む: 砂漠でのサバイバルのヒント

