最終更新日: 9 月 30, 2023

Sand soccer is a rapidly growing and exciting sport that is played on the beaches of the United States and around the world.

North American Sand Soccer Championships (NASSC) is the premier sand soccer tournament in the United States, attracting thousands of players and fans to the beautiful Virginia Beach oceanfront every year.

Another popular location for sand soccer is Huntington Beach, which host an annual surf and sand soccer tournament.

Sand soccer tournaments are also held in Ocean City, Clearwater, and Wildwood, NJ.

The game is fast-paced and requires minimal dribbling, and this sport is enjoyed by players of all ages and skill levels.

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Playing sand soccer at the beach
Playing sand soccer at the beach

What is sand soccer?

Sand soccer, also known as beach soccer, ビーチや砂場で行われる人気のスポーツ、サッカーの変形です。.

このスポーツはスキルに重点を置いています, 機敏, ゴールに向かってシュートするときの正確性.

不規則な演奏面, 柔らかい砂のため、選手は従来のサッカーとは異なるプレースタイルを要求される, より即興で.

コンパクトなフィールドサイズ, 標準的なサッカー場より小さい, プレーヤーは砂上のさまざまな位置から得点することができます, その結果、1試合あたり平均60本のゴール内シュートが打たれることになる.

ブラジル発祥のサンドサッカー, しかし、世界中で人気が急速に高まっています, 米国も含めて.

5月に米国初のサンドサッカー大会が開催された 1994 バージニアビーチで開催され、以来、国内最大かつ最も人気のあるサンド サッカー トーナメントの 1 つに成長しました。: の North American Sand Soccer Championships (NASSC).

The tournament is held annually, attracting thousands of players and spectators to the Virginia Beach oceanfront.

Rules and Gameplay

In sand soccer, each team consists of five players, including the goalkeeper, and an unlimited number of substitutions are allowed.

The game is played on 25-35 また 30-40 yard grids, 5v5, with limited dribbling and an average of 60 shots on goal per game.

The game is split into three 12-minute periods, for a total of 36 minutes of gameplay.

Shoes and regular socks are not allowed, although ankle guards and sand socks are permitted and are highly recommended for comfort and safety.

Soccer ball on sand at the beach.
Soccer ball on sand at the beach.


When it comes to clothing and gear, players can wear anything that is comfortable and allows for easy movement in the sand.

Lightweight and loose-fitting clothing, such as t-shirts and shorts, 砂サッカーをするのに最適です.


装備に関しては, 選手はアンクルガードを着用することが許可されており、 砂サッカーソックス, でもそれ以外は, 必要なのはサッカーボールだけです.

余分な水と軽食を持っていくと良いでしょう, 特に暑い日には.



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Haimont メンズ ワークアウト タンク トップ ドライ フィット UPF 50 ノースリーブ マッスル T シャツ
プーマ レディース シームレス スポーツブラ



通常、軽量の, 通気性のあるアッパーと耐久性, 砂の上で優れたトラクションを発揮する滑りにくいソール.


They are also great to wear over ankle guards as they help keep the sand out of the ankle guards and also keep it in place.

Sand soccer socks are widely available online, and you can purchase them from sports retailers or websites that specialize in sand soccer gear.

These socks can also be found in some sports stores on certain areas.

ShocSox ビーチ バレーボール ソックス
ShocSox ビーチ バレーボール ソックス
ティロス スポーツ スキン ソックス
ティロス スポーツ スキン ソックス
Seavenger SeaSnugs ローカット ビーチバレーボール ソックス
Seavenger SeaSnugs ローカット ビーチバレーボール ソックス

National Sand Soccer Championships

北米サンドサッカー選手権大会 (NASSC) is the largest sand soccer tournament in the United States, attracting thousands of players and spectators to the Virginia Beach oceanfront every year.

The tournament features international teams, men’s and women’s U.S. Open Pro matches, youth teams, college teams, and “corporate-coed” teams.

The tournament also features a variety of other サンドスポーツ like Beach COED Flag Football, ビーチバレー, Sand Kickball and Sand Hockey.

全米オープン選手権のNASSCトーナメントの賞金は男子です。 & 女性 – 1位 – $5000, 22位 - $2,000, 33 位 - $1,000.

1チームあたりの参加費は、 $750 そしてエントリーの締め切りは4月です 15 大会年の.

次回のチャンピオンシップは、 June 7th-9th, 2024 ヴァージニアビーチにある, バージニア州 で特集されます 11,000 世界中からのプレイヤー.

また読む: サンドスポーツと砂漠のアクティビティ

Sand Soccer FAQs

What is sand soccer?

Sand soccer is a fast-paced and exciting variant of soccer played on a beach or sand field.

It requires minimal dribbling and features a smaller field and fewer players than traditional soccer.

What are the basic rules of sand soccer?

In sand soccer, each team has five players, including the goalkeeper, and there are no offsides.

The game is divided into three 12-minute periods, and shoes and regular socks are not allowed.

Players are permitted to wear ankle guards and sand socks, which are highly recommended for comfort and safety.

What kind of clothing and equipment do I need to play sand soccer?

Lightweight and loose-fitting clothing, 日焼け止め, plenty of water, ankle guards (オプション), and sand socks (recommended) are all you need to play sand soccer.

What are sand soccer socks?


They provide traction, 保護, and support for your feet on the sand.

What is the North American Sand Soccer Championships (NASSC)?

The NASSC is the largest sand soccer tournament in the United States. It is held annually in Virginia Beach, Virginia and features international teams, men’s and women’s U.S. Open Pro matches, youth teams, college teams, and “corporate-coed” teams.

How can I get involved in sand soccer?

There are many ways to get involved in sand soccer. You can join a local sand soccer league, find pickup games at your local beach or recreation area, or attend sand soccer tournaments.
