Pēdējo reizi atjaunināts janvārī 25, 2023

Ērces ir izplatīta problēma daudziem āra entuziastiem, un tuksnesis nav izņēmums. Lai gan daudzi cilvēki var pieņemt, ka sausa, tuksneša sausie apstākļi būtu neviesmīlīgi ērcēm, realitāte ir tāda ir vairākas ērču sugas, kuras var atrast tuksnešos visā ASV un visā pasaulē.

Šie sīkie parazīti var pārnēsāt tādas slimības kā Rocky Mountain plankumainais drudzis un Laima slimība, tādēļ ir ļoti svarīgi tos pareizi un ātri noņemt, ja atrodat tādu sev vai mājdzīvniekam, dodoties pārgājienā tuksnesī.

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ASV dienvidrietumu tuksnešos ir atrastas dažādas ērču sugas.
ASV dienvidrietumu tuksnešos ir atrastas dažādas ērču sugas.

Tuksneša ērču veidi

Viens no visizplatītākajiem ērču veidiem, kas sastopams tuksnesī, ir brūna suņu ērce. This tick is found in many parts of the world, un ir particularly prevalent in Arizona. The brown dog tick can live its entire life indoors, making it a common household pest. It is also a vector for Rocky Mountain spotted fever, a serious disease that can cause severe symptoms such as fever, headache, and muscle pain.

Another type of tick found in deserts is the rabbit tick. These ticks primarily feed on rabbits and hares, but can also bite humans if they are handling these animals. They are most commonly found in arid environments, and are known to transmit Rocky Mountain spotted fever.

The winter tick, also known as the moose tick, is another tick that can be found in the desert. This tick prefers hooved animals such as dogs, coyotes, brieži, elk, horses, cattle, and beavers, but can also bite humans. It is most commonly found in the cool winter months.

The Pacific Coast tick is a tick that is found only in the southwestern corner of Arizona. This tick is a vector for a variety of diseases, including Rocky Mountain spotted fever, tick paralysis, tularemia, and anaplasmosis. It is known to bite humans and is particularly problematic because of the diseases it can transmit.

Beidzot, the adobe tick is a soft tick that can also be found in the deserts of the southwest. This tick prefers the nests of small mammals such as rodents, but can also bite humans if they are sleeping in structures near rodent nests. They are round in shape and have a painless bite.

Kopumā, it is important to be aware that ticks can be found in deserts throughout the United States, particularly in parts of Arizona, California and Colorado where vegetation is present. Take necessary precautions and inform yourself about the types of ticks that are common in the area you are planning to visit, in order to reduce your risk of being bitten and contracting a tick-borne disease.

Ērču profilakse un izņemšana

Plānojot tuksneša pārgājienu vai kempinga braucienu, it’s essential to take the necessary precautions to prevent tick bites. This includes wearing long sleeves and pants, using tick repellent, and staying on designated trails and paved roads without vegetation. It’s also important to check yourself and your gear regularly for ticks, especially after spending time in tall grass or wooded areas.

If you live in the desert, it is possible that you or your pets may bring ticks home, particurarly the brown dog tick. Regurarly check your pets for ticks especially after they spend time outdoors. If you find a tick on your cat or dog, take them to a vet as quickly as possible or try to remove the tick yourself very carefully.

One of the most important things to remember when removing a tick is to not squeeze the tick’s body. Squeezing the tick can cause the tick to release more bacteria into the bite wound, increasing the risk of infection. Tā vietā, use fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible and pull upward with steady, even pressure.

After removing the tick, clean the bite wound with soap and water or rubbing alcohol. Be sure to keep an eye on the bite for any signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, or fever. If you experience any of these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.

If you are planning to go hiking in the desert wilderness, it is essential you pack a first aid kit specifically designed for the outdoors that also includes a tick removal kit. This should include items such as bandages, antibiotic ointment, pain relievers, and tweezers.

Pirmās palīdzības komplekti tuksnesim

Surviveware Survival First Aid Kit
First aid kit for desert hiking and backpacking

Rapid Care First Aid Unitized First Aid Kit
First aid kit for those who live in a desert area

Ven-Ex Snake Bite Kit
Venom extractor against snakes, skorpioni, spiders, bees and wasps.

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