Ziemas vētra Arizonas tuksnesī nes negaidītu lietu

Ziemas vētras dēļ Arizonas tuksneša pilsētās gaidāms vairāk lietus, meteorologi brīdina. Šīs nedēļas sākumā, Fīniksas iedzīvotāji piedzīvoja stipru lietusgāzi, kas līdz dienas vidum mainījās īslaicīgās vieglās lietusgāzēs. Saskaņā ar Valsts laika dienesta datiem, Arizonā visā štatā gaidāms neliels lietus un sniegs…

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Phoenix vs Tucson: A Tale of Two Arizona Cities

Arizona, the Grand Canyon State, is home to two of the most vibrant and unique cities in the American Southwest: Phoenix and Tucson. Each city boasts its own distinct character, shaped by its history, geography, and the diverse mix of people who call it home. Fēnikss: The Valley of the…

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The 10 Most Desert States in the US

Nevada is the most desert state in the US, ar pāri 75% of its land area covered in desert. This makes Nevada home to some of the most iconic desert landscapes in the country, including Death Valley National Park and Great Basin National Park. Other states with a lot of desert land include Arizona, Kalifornija, Juta, and New Mexico.

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