Последнее обновление в октябре 10, 2023

Venice Beach is the most popular destination for winter катание на санках in Los Angeles.

Катание на санях по пляжу — популярное занятие среди людей всех возрастов, которые практикуются на искусственных песчаных насыпях., которые создаются бульдозерами из песка в насыпи на пляже для защиты в зимние месяцы., and provide a suitable surface for sledding.

Kids Sand Sledding at Venice Beach Pier
Kids Sand Sledding at Venice Beach Pier

While traditional snow sledding is not possible in Los Angeles due to the mild winter climate, sledding on sand dunes offers a fun and unique alternative, which is especially enjoyed by children.

Sand sledding season starts every year shortly after Thanksgiving and lasts until February or March, в several beach locations around LA. Venice Beach is however one of the best and most popular choices.

For sledding at Venice Beach you can use a metal or plastic sled, toboggan or disc saucer for beach sand.

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Катание на санях с пляжа Венис-Бич - Ангелы, SoCal
Венецианский пляж, Ангелы

Пирс Венис-Бич

Every year from mid October until spring, a large sand dune specifically built for winter dune sledding is constructed south of the Venice Beach Pier and is a popular spot for this activity in Los Angeles.

The sand dune is located 50 к 60 ярдах от парковки на Вашингтонском бульваре, near the address 2700-3100 Прогулка на берегу океана, Венеция, Калифорния 90291.

These slopes are known for their large size and are popular among both young sledders and adults seeking an exciting ride.

The best time for sand sledding is typically in late December or early January, as the sand is more packed down at this time, resulting in a smoother and faster ride.

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Пена Тобогган

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About Venice Beach

Venice Beach is a popular destination in Los Angeles that stretches for almost 3 miles along the coast, покрытие 238 acres of beach and featuring 3 parking lots with over 1200 spaces.

In addition to the beach itself, Venice Beach includes the promenade known as Ocean Front Walk, as well as Muscle Beach, tennis courts, a Skate Dancing plaza, several volleyball courts, and a bike trail.

The area is known for its eclectic mix of street performers, vendors, и другие достопримечательности, such as palm readers and belly dancers.

The legendary Muscle Beach, where Arnold Schwarzenegger and other bodybuilders have trained, is also located here.

Other than sand sledding in winter, visitors can enjoy various activities at the beach, включая плавание, пляжный воллейбол, ловит рыбу, и серфинг, and can rent bikes or skates along Ocean Front Walk. The Venice Breakwater is a particularly popular spot for surfers.

There are also many eateries and shops along Ocean Front Walk for those interested in exploring the area’s food and retail offerings.

видео: The Venice Beach Experience. Ангелы, Калифорния.

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Адрес: 2700-3100 Прогулка на берегу океана, Венеция, Калифорния 90291.

Другие популярные пляжи, где можно потренироваться катание на санках по Лос-Анджелесу находятся:

While traditional snow sledding is not possible in Los Angeles due to its mild winter climate, sand sledding on sand dunes offers a fun alternative, especially enjoyed by children.

Every year from mid-October until spring, a large sand dune specifically built for winter dune sledding is constructed south of the Venice Beach Pier. It is a popular spot for this activity in Los Angeles, расположен 50 к 60 ярдах от парковки на Вашингтонском бульваре, near the address 2700-3100 Прогулка на берегу океана, Венеция, Калифорния 90291.

In addition to sand sledding in winter, visitors can enjoy various activities at the beach, включая плавание, пляжный воллейбол, ловит рыбу, и серфинг.

They can also rent bikes or skates along Ocean Front Walk, or explore the Venice Breakwater, a popular spot for surfers.

There are also many eateries and shops along Ocean Front Walk for those interested in exploring the area’s food and retail offerings.

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