Последнее обновление в марте 18, 2024

The Остров Фрейзер, внесенный в список Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО, является одной из самых популярных достопримечательностей Квинсленда для любителей пляжного отдыха. and it’s no surprise that this incredible location – which is also the largest sand island in the entire world – is also a hotspot for sandboarding and dune sports.

Есть различные дюны, подходящие для сэндбординга на острове Фрейзер, особенно в районах возле пляжа Орхид, Сэнди-Кейп и Вадди-Пойнт.

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Сэндбординг в Квинсленде
Остров Фрейзер: сэндбординг, Квинсленд

Пляж орхидей

Wonderful area with pristine beaches and stunning coastline in Fraser Island. A bit isolated but with great pubs and accommodation options.

Песчаный мыс

Camp in the furthermost tip of Fraser Island with limited access via car. Plenty of vegetation with unique wildlife of loggerheads and green turtles, but sandboarding can be practiced on the dunes.

Уодди Пойнт

One of the most easily accessible campsites in the island, with a beach for swimming, shop for basic necessities and lots of hiking spots with great views.

видео: Остров Фрейзер: сэндбординг

Попасть туда

Fraser Island is located off the eastern coast of Australia. The largest major city near Fraser Island is Brisbane, which is located approximately 300 километры (186 мили) На юг.
To reach Fraser Island from Brisbane, you have a few options:

  • Самолетом: The nearest airport to Fraser Island is Hervey Bay Airport, что примерно 2 hours drive from the island. Из Брисбена, you can fly to Hervey Bay, and then rent a car or take a shuttle bus to the island.
  • Автобусом: There are several bus companies that offer direct services from Brisbane to Hervey Bay, with transfers to Fraser Island. This option is a convenient and budget-friendly way to reach the island.
  • На машине: If you prefer to drive, you can rent a car in Brisbane and make the approximately 3-hour drive to Hervey Bay. Оттуда, you can take a ferry to Fraser Island.

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Сэндборды на продажу в Австралии

Карта сэндбординга Австралии

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