Naposledy aktualizované v apríli 13, 2024

Dune buggy je typ terénneho vozidla zvlášť vhodného na jazdu na piesočných dunách. Buginy Dune majú zásadnú karosériu a veľmi široké kolesá, and are lightweight enough to be driven on soft sand.

Dune buggy vyzerajú podobne ako iné terénne vozidlá, but with no fixed roof or conventional doors, in some cases they appear almost made entirely of tubes.

These unique vehicles are named after a very simple American carriage of the late 19th century simply called “buggy”, termín neskôr používaný na identifikáciu karosérií skorých automobilov.

Jazda na púšti s dunou Buggy
Dunová bugina jazdiaca v púšti

Typy Dune Buggy

Existujú dva hlavné typy dune buggy: laminátové dunové buginy a pieskové koľajnice. Hlavný rozdiel medzi nimi je v tom, že sklolaminátové dunové buginy vznikajú úpravou iného typu vozidla, zatiaľ čo pieskové koľajnice sú postavené od nuly.

Buggy Dune Buggy zo sklenených vlákien

Sklolaminátové dunové buginy sú rekreačné terénne vozidlá stvorené pre jazda na plážových alebo púštnych piesočných dunách, ale v niektorých prípadoch môže byť aj ulica legálna.

Kočíky Dune sú celkom prispôsobiteľné a takmer každý si ich môže postaviť a prispôsobiť rôznym typom chodníkov, aj keď sa vo všeobecnosti používajú na jazdu na hlinených a piesočnatých terénoch.

Sklolaminátový dunový kočík

Pieskové koľajnice

Ako dunové buginy, pieskové koľajnice sú vozidlá vytvorené na jazdu na pieskových dunách, ale postavený od nuly namiesto toho, aby boli upravené z existujúcich áut.

These vehicles are built from scratch using tubular, podvozok s otvoreným rámom so zabudovanými ochrannými klietkami a „koľajnicami“. V niektorých španielsky hovoriacich krajinách sú známe „tubusové autá“ (rúrkové auto).

Pretože sú oveľa ľahšie ako bežné autá, pieskové koľajnice sú obzvlášť vhodné na jazdu po mäkkom piesku bez toho, aby sa potopili a nie sú určené na použitie na tvrdých chodníkoch.

Sand Rail alebo „Carro Tubulare"

Desert Racing and Dune Bashing

Dune buggies are some of the most common type of off-road vehicle used for púštne preteky. Races are held in many parts of the world, from North America (USA, Mexiko) to Africa (Senegal) a Blízky východ (SAE, Katar). Buggies often race on soft sand, dirt, rocky and paved terrains.

In some parts of the world, “búšenie dún” has become a popular recreational activity and tourist attraction. It consists of driving a buggy up and down sand dunes in order to enjoy the adrenaline of a very bumpy ride, and it is a lot more fun than it sounds.

História Dune Buggy

The history of the dune buggy tracks this vehicle back to Meyers Manx, a company formed by Bruce Meyers – artist, mechanik, staviteľ člnov, and surfer. Meyers shaped this iconic car by giving it the shape we still know today.

Meyersova bugina na dunách bola prvá, ktorá bola sériovo vyrábaná, čím presahuje rámec zákazkovej výroby auta.

Postavený na základe Volkswagen Beetle, ktorého motor tiež využíval, auto bolo o 36 centimetre kratší a mal sklolaminátové telo na zníženie jeho hmotnosti.

Koncom 60. rokov 20. storočia, podnietený historickým momentom, duna buggy sa stala ikonickým autom nezhody.

Zároveň, niekoľko výrobcov skopírovalo nápad Meyers a ponúkli montážne súpravy na úpravu chrobákov na konci ich života.

Dune Buggy riding in the Arizona desert
Dune Bashing in Arizona. Foto s láskavým dovolením Kvnga.

Are dune buggies dangerous?

Driving or riding a dune buggy is not dangerous per se, ale extreme sports activities such as dune bashing are not risk-free. Ako pravidlo, the steeper the dunes, the bumpier the ride.

Riding a dune buggy is not safe for pregnant women, very young children and people with heart conditions.

Can you drive a dune buggy without a license?

No, you cannot drive a dune buggy without a valid driving license. Okrem toho, if you are renting a dune buggy to go púštne jazdenie alebo dune bashing at the beach, you are going to want to make sure you are covered by a health insurance that covers sandsports.

Who invented the dune buggy?

The original dune buggy was conceived by Bruce Meyers in the 1960s. Meyers itself claims not to be the inventor of the dune buggy since many similar vehicles were already built at the time, ale he was the first person to commercialize and popularize his own design for a fiberglass dune buggy based on a Volkswagen Beetle base.

How to make a dune buggy street legal?

To make a dune buggy street legal, you will need to follow the laws and regulations for vehicles in your state or country so that you may legally operate it on public roads.

There are services out there that can help you make your dune buggy street legal in your state without hassle. Check out Dirt Legal for more information.

Here are some steps you can take to make your dune buggy street legal:

  1. Check the laws and regulations for vehicles in your jurisdiction. Each state or country has its own laws and regulations regarding the operation of vehicles on public roads, so it is important to familiarize yourself with the rules in your area.
  2. Register your dune buggy with the appropriate government agency. This typically involves obtaining a title and registration for the vehicle, and paying any applicable fees.
  3. Install safety equipment and features. Depending on the laws in your jurisdiction, you may be required to install certain safety equipment and features on your dune buggy in order to make it street legal. This may include things like seat belts, headlights, taillights, and turn signals.
  4. Pass a vehicle inspection. Some jurisdictions require vehicles to pass a safety inspection before they can be registered and driven on public roads. This may involve checking the vehicle’s brakes, lights, and other safety features.
  5. Obtain insurance. Most jurisdictions require vehicles to be insured before they can be driven on public roads. You will need to purchase an insurance policy that covers your dune buggy.

What is the best engine for desert driving?

When it comes to the best engine for desert driving in a dune buggy, it ultimately depends on your specific needs and preferences. To povedal, some popular choices include the Volkswagen air-cooled engines and the Corvair flat-six engines.

The Volkswagen engines are known for their simplicity and durability, while the Corvair engines offer more power and displacement.

It is important to note that the VW transaxle may have difficulty handling higher power outputs, so it is important to consider the power needs of your specific use case.

Okrem toho, it is important to consider the weight of the engine and its impact on the overall weight of the dune buggy.

Prečítajte si tiež: Jazda na ATV Dune & Desert Off-road

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