Naposledy aktualizované v apríli 7, 2024

The púšť je jedným z najdrsnejších prostredí na Zemi.

Je to miesto extrémov, s horiacimi teplotami cez deň a mrazivými v noci, strong winds and scorching sun, sandstorms deadly animals lurking beneath the sand.

Je málo vody a jedla, a krajina je neplodná a nemilosrdná.

Takže, aké je to žiť na púšti? Why would anyone choose to live there?

Pre veľa ľudí, púšť je miestom krásy a tajomstva. Je to miesto samoty a pokoja, kde môžete uniknúť zhonu mestského života.

A desert is a place to find yourself and to connect with nature. Avšak, život v púšti nie je pre každého.

Je to náročné prostredie na život, a na to, aby dokázal prežiť a prosperovať na takomto mieste, je potrebný špeciálny druh človeka.

Ak uvažujete o tom, že by ste si z púšte urobili domov, potom je tu pár vecí, ktoré potrebujete vedieť.

Bývanie v púštnom meste má svoje klady aj zápory.
Bývanie v púštnom meste má svoje klady aj zápory.

Čo by ste mali vedieť, keď žijete v púšti

Púšť je jedným z najextrémnejších prostredí na Zemi. Je to miesto extrémov, s horiacimi teplotami cez deň a mrazivými v noci.

Je málo vody a jedla, a krajina je neplodná a nemilosrdná. Takže, aké je to žiť na púšti?

Pre veľa ľudí, púšť je miestom krásy a tajomstva.

Je to miesto samoty a pokoja, kde môžete uniknúť zhonu mestského života. Je to miesto na nájdenie seba samého a spojenie s prírodou.

Avšak, život v púšti nie je pre každého.

Je to náročné prostredie na život, a na to, aby dokázal prežiť a prosperovať na takomto mieste, je potrebný špeciálny druh človeka.

Ak uvažujete o tom, že by ste si z púšte urobili domov, potom je tu pár vecí, ktoré potrebujete vedieť.

Pre jedného, život na púšti môže byť ťažký.

Horúčavy a nedostatok vody môžu na vašom tele zabrať, a musíte si dávať pozor, aby ste sa vyhli dehydratácii a úpalu.

V púšti je tiež veľa chrobákov, tak si určite pribaľte repelent proti komárom.

A zatiaľ čo väčšina púští je vo všeobecnosti veľmi horúca, môžu aj poriadne prechladnúť, hlavne v noci.

To znamená, že musíte byť vždy pripravení na prudké poklesy teploty.

A nakoniec, pretože v púšti je často málo ľudí a zdrojov, je dôležité byť sebestačný a vedieť sa o seba postarať v prípade núdze.

Ale život na púšti môže byť aj neskutočne krásny a pokojný.

Široké otvorené priestranstvá a jasná obloha sa nepodobajú ničomu, čo uvidíte v meste, a nočná obloha je plná hviezd.

Nachádza sa tu aj množstvo zaujímavých rastlín a živočíchov, ktoré nazývajú púšť domovom, which have adapted in unique ways to survive in this environment, and you will not find anywhere else.

Život v púšti tipy

Tipy pre život v púšti

1. Vodu noste vždy so sebou.

Púšť je horúca a suchá, a ak nemáte dostatok vody, môžete sa rýchlo dehydrovať.

2. Pozor na hady a škorpióny.

Obe tieto stvorenia sú bežné v púšti, a ich uhryznutie môže byť smrteľné.

Dokonca aj niektoré druhy jašteríc môžu byť jedovaté, takže je lepšie ich nechať na pokoji.

3. Nikdy sa nepokúšajte ísť na túru do púšte bez mapy.

Je ľahké sa stratiť v púšti, a mohol by si blúdiť celé dni bez toho, aby si našiel cestu späť.

Spoľahnúť sa na technológiu môže byť tiež ťažké kvôli nedostatku wi-fi a elektrických zásuviek, tak si prineste nejaké staromódne papierové mapy a vybavenie na orientačný beh.

4. Použite dostatok opaľovacieho krému a vhodné púštne produkty starostlivosti o pleť.

Kombinácia tepla a suchého počasia môže skutočne poškodiť vašu pokožku a je dôležité, aby ste sa pred slnkom čo najviac chránili.

Čítaj viac: Tipy na život v púšti

Prečo ľudia žijú v púšti?

Je ich dosť reasons why people choose to live in the desert.

Pre začiatočníkov, na desert is a beautiful and unique environment, with a wide variety of flora and fauna that are adapted to the harsh conditions.

Krajiny sa často nepodobajú ničomu, čo nájdete v iných častiach sveta.

A ak ste typ vonku, ktorý si väčšinu roka užíva teplé počasie so slnečnými dňami a jasnou oblohou, potom je púšť určite to pravé miesto pre vás.

Ale sú aj iné, aj praktickejšie dôvody pre život v púšti.

Pre jedného, the cost of living is often lower in desert communities than in other parts of the country.

There are also plenty of outdoor activities to enjoy, od turistiky a kempovania až po horolezectvo a ďalšie.

A pretože púšť je také veľké miesto, často budete mať viac priestoru pre seba – čo môže byť skutočným bonusom, ak ste introvert alebo jednoducho hľadáte pokoj a ticho.

Many people who live in deserts appreciate the peacefulness and solitude of the environment.

Ak teda uvažujete o presune do púšte, existuje veľa dobrých dôvodov, prečo to urobiť. Len sa pripravte na počasie!

Samozrejme, there are also some drawbacks to living in the desert.

Pre jedného, môže to byť dosť osamelé. Ak nie ste fanúšikom turistiky a outdoorových aktivít, nemusí byť veľa čo robiť. A samozrejme, extrémne počasie môže byť niekedy ohromujúce.

Limited access to amenities is often the main challenge for people who live in the desert.

In many cases, desert dwellers are far from urban centers and amenities like hospitals, grocery stores, and schools.

This can be a trade-off for the serenity and open space that many people appreciate about desert living.

Ale celkovo, púšť je celkom skvelým miestom pre tých, ktorí vedia, ako to zvládnuť, and living in a desert can be a very rewarding experience for those who enjoy the unique beauty and challenges of such an extreme environment.

Prečítajte si tiež: The best places to live in the US desert

5 Reasons To Live in the Desert

#1: Sunshine

Desert weather is perfect for those who love a warm climate.

With over 300 days of sunshine and low humidity, the desert offers a perfect environment for outdoor activities such as hiking, kempovanie, and rock climbing.

Zimy sú mierne, and the dry climate makes it a great escape from the damp and humid climates found in many other parts of the country.

#2: A Lower Cost of Living

Living in the desert can be more affordable than other parts of the country.

Housing is often cheaper, and there is no state income tax in several desert states.

Desert living can provide an opportunity to save on living expenses and reduce your overall cost of living.

#3: Unique Wildlife

The desert is home to a unique array of plants and animals that are well-adapted to the harsh desert climate.

You can find various species of lizards, snakes, and insects, as well as big horn sheep, antilopy, and coyotes, among other animals.

The flora and fauna in the desert are unlike anything found in any other part of the country, which can provide an exciting opportunity for nature enthusiasts to explore and discover.

#4: Wide Open Spaces

The desert offers wide-open spaces where you can have some much-needed solitude and peace.

The desert is sparsely populated, meaning that you can find large areas where you can escape the noise and crowds of city life.

This wide-open environment can provide you with the perfect opportunity to unplug and reconnect with nature, which can be a refreshing break from the hustle and bustle of modern life.

#5: Stunning Scenery

The desert landscape can be breathtakingly beautiful, with stunning sunsets, towering mesas, and towering cacti.

The desert environment offers a unique and beautiful vista, with a view that stretches for miles.

Living in the desert offers a chance to witness the beauty of the natural world and marvel at its power and resilience.

5 Reasons NOT To Live in the Desert

#1: Extreme Climate

The desert climate can be a significant challenge, with searing temperatures during the day and frigid nights.

The extreme heat can be dangerous, especially for people who are not used to it, and the dry weather can be very uncomfortable.

The desert environment is not suitable for everyone, especially those who prefer a cooler climate.

The harsh desert climate can pose a risk to health, especially for people with certain health conditions such as asthma or allergies.

The dry air can exacerbate these conditions, making it difficult to breathe.

Navyše, the intense heat can cause dehydration and heatstroke, which can be life-threatening.

#2: Isolation and lack of social opportunities

Living in the desert can be very isolating.

The low population density means that there are fewer social opportunities and less access to many amenities that people in other areas take for granted.

The distance from urban centers can also be a significant hurdle in terms of access to medical care, shopping, and entertainment.

Desert areas also tend to have a lower population density and may not be as diverse as other regions.

This can limit opportunities for cultural experiences and exposure to different perspectives.

For some, the lack of diversity can lead to feelings of isolation and disconnection from the broader community.

#3: Limited Job Opportunities

The desert has fewer job opportunities than other parts of the country, and many of the jobs available are seasonal or low-paying.

It can be challenging to find a job that meets your needs, and you may need to be prepared to commute long distances to find work.

Navyše, the industries that exist in the desert, such as mining, agriculture, and tourism, can be heavily impacted by factors such as drought, changing economic conditions, and global warming.

This can lead to instability in the job market and make it difficult to secure long-term employment.

Ďalej, the isolation of desert communities can limit networking opportunities and make it harder to connect with potential employers.

#4: Water Scarcity and Lack of Vegetation

The desert environment is characterized by limited water resources, which can be a significant challenge for daily living.

Water scarcity can limit the types of crops that can be grown, and it can also impact water availability for residential use.

Residents of the desert must be mindful of their water usage and take steps to conserve this precious resource.

Deserts are not known for their lush vegetation, and this can be a significant drawback for people who love gardening or simply enjoy being surrounded by greenery.

The harsh desert climate can make it difficult to grow many types of plants, and the limited selection of vegetation can make the environment feel monotonous and uninviting.

#5: Dangerous Wildlife

While the unique wildlife in the desert can be fascinating to observe, it can also be dangerous.

Many desert animals, such as snakes, scorpions and beaded lizards, aree extremely venomous and can pose a risk to humans and pets.

Navyše, encounters with larger animals such as coyotes or mountain lions can be a real threat to people living in more remote areas or who enjoy exploring the desert otudoors.

Living in the Desert FAQs

What are the pros and cons of living in the desert?

Living in the desert has its advantages and disadvantages.


  • Low cost of living: Desert areas often offer a lower cost of living, making it more affordable for housing, jedlo, a dopravy.
  • Natural beauty: The desert landscape boasts breathtaking vistas, including canyons, hory, a piesočné duny, providing a visually captivating environment.
  • Connection to nature: Desert living allows for a close connection to nature, offering opportunities for outdoor activities and exploration.
  • Lower pollution levels: Deserts generally have less pollution compared to urban areas, resulting in cleaner air and potential health benefits.


  • Extreme weather conditions: Deserts experience extreme temperatures, ranging from scorching heat to chilling cold, along with strong winds and sporadic rainfall, posing challenges and risks.
  • Limited resources: Water scarcity is a significant concern in the desert, making it challenging to access clean water for various needs, including drinking and irrigation.
  • Isolation: Desert communities are often geographically isolated, which can make it difficult to access essential services, employment, and cultural amenities.
  • Lack of diversity: Desert regions tend to have less diversity in terms of population, culture, and entertainment options compared to larger urban areas.

What are the challenges of living in the desert?

Living in the desert presents unique challenges that require adaptation and preparation.

Extreme weather conditions are a primary challenge. The desert can experience scorching heat, posing risks to health and daily activities.

Cold desert nights and sudden temperature fluctuations can also be difficult to cope with. Strong winds and occasional sandstorms can cause damage and disrupt daily life.

Okrem toho, infrequent and unpredictable rainfall can lead to flash floods, making it crucial to be aware of weather patterns and take appropriate precautions.

Limited resources, especially water, pose significant challenges.

Accessing clean water can be difficult due to scarcity, necessitating efficient usage and conservation practices.

Limited availability of food and other resources is also common, requiring careful planning and reliance on imported goods.

Isolation is another challenge faced by desert dwellers.

Many desert communities are geographically remote, which can result in longer travel times to access essential services, employment opportunities, and educational institutions.

The lack of nearby amenities and social activities may contribute to a sense of isolation, requiring individuals to establish support networks and engage in activities that foster connection and community.

What are the rewards of living in the desert?

Living in the desert offers unique rewards and opportunities for those who appreciate its distinct characteristics.

The natural beauty of the desert is a major reward. Obrovský, awe-inspiring landscapes, with their towering sand dunes, deep canyons, and majestic mountains, provide a visually captivating and serene environment.

The tranquility and peacefulness of the desert can be a source of inspiration and personal reflection.

Desert living fosters a deep connection to nature. The sparse population and wide-open spaces allow for a closer relationship with the natural world.

Outdoor enthusiasts can partake in activities like hiking, horolezectvo, and stargazing, taking advantage of the desert’s unspoiled wilderness and clear night skies.

The dry climate of the desert offers potential health benefits. The low humidity can be advantageous for individuals with respiratory problems, as it can alleviate symptoms and promote easier breathing.

Okrem toho, the abundance of sunshine in desert regions can be beneficial for those who thrive in a sunnier climate or require ample sunlight for vitamin D synthesis.

What is it like living in the Southwest?

Living in the Southwest offers a unique lifestyle shaped by diverse landscapes, warm climate, rich culture, and growing cities.

The region is known for its stunning natural beauty, outdoor activities, and a blend of Native American, Mexican, and Spanish influences.

The Southwest has both high desert and low desert areas.

The high desert, like Santa Fe and Flagstaff, offers cooler temperatures, rugged landscapes, and a slower-paced lifestyle.

The low desert, including Phoenix and Las Vegas, has hotter summers, milder winters, bustling cities, and a vibrant urban environment.

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