Last Updated on February 21, 2024

Mexico is home to some of the most famous and scenic deserts in the world, as well as being the country where the most deserts are located.

Akože fakt, viac ako 60% územia mexickej krajiny sa nachádza v oblasti zodpovedajúcej pásu, v ktorom sú rozmiestnené púšte sveta, čo je dôvod, prečo je veľká časť krajiny suchá.

Mexico is home to two major deserts: the Chihuahuan and the Sonoran Desert, both contiguous with the United States.

The Chihuahuan Desert spans most of the region of Chihuahua, parts of Coahuila and Durango, as well as three US states.

The Sonoran desert covers the states of Baja California Norte and Baja California Sur, the islands of the Sea of Cortez and most of the state of Sonora.

Map of the two main deserts in Mexico, the Chihuahuan and Sonoran deserts.
Map of the two major desert areas in Mexico, the Chihuahuan and Sonoran deserts.

Púšť Chihuahua

The Chihuahuan Desert is the largest desert in North America, located at the border between the United States and Mexico, and is divided between the Sierra Madre Occidental and Sierra Madre Oriental.

The deserts spans across the states of New Mexico, Texas, Arizona in the US, a čivava, Sonora, Durango, Coahuila, San Luis Potosi, and Zacatecas in Mexico.

Skalný útvar Peñoles. Jimenez, čivava, Mexiko.
Penoly, Púšť Chihuahan. Blízko Jiméneza, čivava, Mexiko.

The Chihuahuan Desert is characterized by variable climate conditions, with temperatures reaching over 40 degrees during the day and dropping extremely low at nightfall or in the winter season. Despite its harsh climate, the desert is home to a diverse array of púštne rastliny, stromy and animal life, s nad 400 species living within its boundaries.

The desert is in fact scattered in lakes, riek, and streams, which are home to many marine species that are now unfortunately at risk of extinction or low growth due to climate change and other environmental issues.

Piesočné duny Samalayuca

Ikonický Samalayuca dunes within the Chihuahuan Desert are a popular travel destination, known for their recreational activities and tours, such as sandboarding, driving off-road cars, and desert camping.

Duny Samalayuca. Púšť Chihuhuan, Mexiko.

Mexické štáty prešli: čivava, Sonora, Durango, Coahuila, San Luis de Potosi a Zacatecas.

Sonorská púšť

Another famous desert in Mexico is the Sonorská púšť, which also spans both the United States and Mexico.

Known for being one of the hottest deserts in the world, the Sonoran Desert comprises several sub-eco regions in both Mexico and the United States, menovite Veľká oltárna púšť (Oltár Grand Desert), na Púšť Colorado, na Šalátová púšť, na Poď na púšť a Púšť Yuma.

Mexické štáty prešli: Sonora a Baja California

Mexická Sonoranská púšť

Púštny oltár

Altar Desert je jednou z hlavných oblastí Sonorskej púšte, a jedna z biologicky najrozmanitejších púští vo svete.

Jeho veľká príťažlivosť spočíva v dunách, ktoré ho tvoria, pretože majú veľmi zvláštne tvary, ktoré pripomínajú hviezdy.

Od r 2016 it is considered a Biosphere Reserve together with the dormant volcanic crater “El Pinacate”.

Oblasť, známy ako El Pinacate a biosférická rezervácia Gran Desierto de Altar, je svetové dedičstvo UNESCO, kde sa nachádza nad 500 druhy rastlín, 200 druhy nevestincov a 40 cicavcov, plazy a ryby, z ktorých mnohé sú zraniteľnými endemickými druhmi.

Mexické štáty prešli: Sonora

El Pinacate a biosférická rezervácia Gran Desierto de Altar

Púšť Baja California

The Baja California Desert has been inhabited by several indigenous tribes, despite being one of the most arid regions in the country.

The desert is characterized by its rugged and sparse landscape, but it’s home to a wealth of biodiversity.

The Upper Gulf of California a Colorado River Delta Biosphere Reserve, located within the desert, are important areas for the conservation of marine and terrestrial species.

Mexické štáty prešli: Baja California

Púšť Baja California, Mexiko

Prečítajte si tiež: Sandboarding v Mexiku

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