Dune Buggies: Vse, kar morate vedeti

Dune buggy je vrsta terenskega vozila, posebej primernega za vožnjo po peščenih sipinah. Dune buggies imajo bistveno karoserijo in zelo široka kolesa, in so dovolj lahki za vožnjo po mehkem pesku. Dune buggies izgleda podobno kot druga terenska vozila, vendar brez fiksne ali konvencionalne strehe…

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Are Dirt Bikes Street Legal in Illinois?

In the state of Illinois, dirt bikes are typically not street-legal. To je rekel, with the right modifications and registration, a dirt bike can potentially become street-legal. This is a complex process, as it involves both state and federal laws, as well as safety considerations. It’s important to understand these laws…

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ATV očala za vožnjo po puščavi
ATV očala za vožnjo po puščavi in ​​peščenih sipinah

Best Sand Goggles for Desert Riding & Prašni pogoji

You can find high-quality goggles designed specifically for desert riding that will protect your eyes from the harsh conditions of the desert environment, including sunlight, wind, and dust. The best goggles for desert have dark-colored lenses that are dustproof and have UV400 protection to safeguard against dangerous UV rays and extreme weather conditions.

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