Last Updated on February 9, 2024

加拿大以寒冷的气候而闻名, 所以你可能会惊讶地发现 加拿大有沙漠, 虽然有点“不合常规”.

事实上, 你会在这个国家找到的许多类似沙漠的地区是 不够干燥,不足以成为“真正的”沙漠, 但 您仍然可以找到特色沙丘和标志性仙人掌.

奥肯那根 / 奥索尤斯沙漠, 卡克罗斯沙漠和大萨斯喀彻温沙丘属于这一类“伪沙漠“.

唯一的 加拿大真正的沙漠是北极苔原, 一个 寒冷的极地沙漠, 它实际上覆盖了该国的大部分地区,并且总是覆盖着厚厚的冰层而不是沙子.

以下, 的清单 (伪) 加拿大的沙漠 以及您需要了解的所有信息.

加拿大的沙漠: 欧肯那根沙漠 / 奥科尤斯沙漠
奥卡纳根 / 奥索尤斯沙漠. 不列颠哥伦比亚省, 加拿大.


奥肯那根沙漠——奥索尤斯, 不列颠哥伦比亚省

有时称为 “加拿大唯一的沙漠”, 奥肯那根沙漠 确实是位于不列颠哥伦比亚省南部奥肯那根山谷的灌木草原区.

该地区也被称为恩克米普沙漠或奥索尤斯沙漠, 或简称“BC沙漠”. 该地区的部分地区位于坎卢普斯市附近,也被命名为 坎卢普斯沙漠.

气候是半干旱的,特点是非常炎热, 夏季天气干燥,冬季温和.

因为降水并不像传统沙漠那样罕见, 它的沙丘上长满了灌木, 仙人掌和野生动物.

加拿大沙漠: 欧肯那根沙漠



卡克罗斯沙漠以 世界上最小的沙漠, 虽然它不符合真正的沙漠: 它真的是一个古老的冰川湖的遗迹, 干涸后留下沙丘.

面积只有2.6平方公里 (1 平方英里) 和 适合滑沙的沙丘.

“被亲切地称为世界上最小的沙漠, 该地区最初被一个大型冰川湖所覆盖. 随着冰川退缩, 导致水位降低, 沙质湖底物质被留下. 来自贝内特湖的强盛风不断地吹拂着这片沙滩, 使植被难以建立. 幸存下来的植物种类包括黑松和金尼金尼克。”

加拿大沙漠: 卡克罗斯沙漠, 育空地区, 加拿大


大萨斯喀彻温省沙丘 – 萨斯喀彻温省

大萨斯喀彻温省沙丘是一组独特的沙漠般的沙丘 覆盖面积 1,900 平方公里,位于萨斯喀彻温省西南部,靠近偏远的 Sceptre 村.

与卡克罗斯沙漠一样, 这 大沙丘 是古代冰川的残余物,存在超过 12,000 几年前.

The dunes were formed by glacial meltwater and wind erosion, and are home to a variety of desert-adapted plants and animals.

加拿大沙漠: 大沙丘 - 萨斯喀彻温省.



加拿大实际上有一片真正的沙漠, 虽然不是炎热的沙漠.

北极极地沙漠 in fact comprises a large part of northern Canada where temperatures rarely go above freezing.

加拿大北极苔原 位于该国北部大陆和巴芬岛等北极群岛岛屿. It is characterized by a harsh, cold climate, with temperatures that can drop to -40 degrees Celsius in the winter.

The short growing season and permafrost (permanently frozen ground) make it difficult for trees to grow in this region. 反而, the tundra is home to a variety of low-lying plants such as mosses, lichens, and small shrubs.

The tundra is also home to a variety of animals, including polar bears, caribou, muskoxen, arctic hares, and arctic foxes. These animals are adapted to survive in the cold, with thick fur coats and other physical adaptations that help them withstand the harsh climate.

加拿大沙漠: 加拿大北极苔原


另请阅读: 美国北美沙漠列表

Canada Desert FAQs

Are there deserts in British Columbia?

奥卡纳根 / Osoyoos Desert is a pseudo-desert located in British Columbia. A pseudo-desert is an area that has some characteristics of a desert, but does not meet the technical criteria to be classified as a true desert.

The Okanagan Valley in British Columbia experiences hot, dry summers and cold, 下雪的冬天. While the region can be quite dry at times, it receives too much precipitation to qualify as a desert. 反而, it is classified as a semi-arid region, meaning that it receives less precipitation than a humid area, but more than a true desert.

Is Kelowna a desert?

不, Kelowna is not a desert, for the reasons stated above: it receives too much precipitation, 尤其是在冬天. According to data from Environment Canada, Kelowna receives an average of 358.9 毫米 (14.13 英寸) of precipitation per year.

Are there true deserts in Canada?

是的, the only true desert in Canada is the Arctic tundra, which is a cold polar desert.

The Arctic tundra covers a large part of the country, including much of the territories of Nunavut and the Northwest Territories. It is characterized by long, cold winters and short, cool summers, and is always covered in thick layers of ice rather than sand.

How many deserts are in Canada?

Canada has one true desert and three pseudo-deserts. The Arctic Tundra is the only true desert, whereas the Okanagan/Osoyoos Desert, 卡克罗斯沙漠, and Great Saskatchewan Sand Hills are the three pseudo-deserts of Canada. There are also some smaller areas which are improperly called a desert, like the Manitoba Desert.

What is the Manitoba Desert?

Carberry Desert in Manitoba is a small sand dune ecosystem officially known as Carberry Sand Dunes or Spirit Sands. This is not a true desert, but yet another leftover dune field resulting from an ancient glacier that dried up over the course of several thousands years.

Is there a desert in Ontario?

尽管 Ontario is not known for traditional deserts, there are some desert-like regions in the province. Sandbanks Provincial Park in Picton and Cheltenham Badlands near Toronto offer unique desert vibes with sand dunes and arid characteristics. 然而, they are considered pseudo-deserts and not true deserts due to the presence of vegetation and higher precipitation.
