什么是沙子? From Mystical Properties to Building Material

Sand is a loose, granular material made up of small particles of rock and minerals. Different types of sandy materials are typically found on beaches, in deserts, and along rivers and streams. 沙子历来对人们有着极大的吸引力,在历史上甚至被认为具有神秘的属性. It…

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沙子是岩石侵蚀的结果,它可能有不同的颜色,具体取决于由什么类型的矿物制成. There is of course yellow sand in most beaches, 沙漠中的橙色和红色沙子, 还有用石膏和黑色制成的白沙…

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Meet Dune’s Unique Creatures: Sandworms and Sandtrout

In the universe of Frank Herbert’s Dune series, the desert planet of Arrakis is home to two unique and fascinating creatures: the Sandworms and the Sandtrouts. These creatures play a significant role in the socio-political landscape of the universe due to their connection with the production of the valuable substance known as ‘the spice’ or ‘melange’.

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What is Drum Sand in Dune?

Drum sand is a fictional concept that appears in the science fiction franchise Dune. This special type of sound-emitting sand is first mentioned in the original novel written by Frank Herbert. In the fictional universe of "沙丘," drum sand is a type of sand that produces a deep, resonant sound…

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沙艺: 从雕塑到绘画, 沙如画布

什么是沙艺? 期限 "沙艺" 可以参考用沙子制作的不同类型的工艺品, 比如你在海滩上发现的. 沙雕, 沙画和沙瓶艺术都是沙画的形式. 最常见的沙画形式…

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白色的 & 美国的黑沙滩

寻找美国最美丽的白色沙滩? 每年斯蒂芬莱德曼, 也被称为 "博士. 海滩", 迈阿密佛罗里达国际大学海岸研究实验室教授兼主任, 年度最佳海滩排名, 从大西洋到太平洋沿岸,遍布美国各地。…

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