

沿海沙漠是位于沿海地区的沙漠, 通常在热带附近大陆的西部边缘. Coastal deserts are characterized by low levels of precipitation, high evaporation rates, and sparse vegetation. Winds off the coast blows in an easterly pattern and prevents the moisture from moving onto the…

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在阿尔及利亚滑沙. 照片由奥利维尔 Lepetit 提供.


阿尔及利亚是非洲最大的国家, 它的大部分领土都被撒哈拉沙漠覆盖. 有无数巨大的沙丘,可以进行沙滩冲浪, 尽管在阿尔及利亚的偏远地区. 贾内特附近的滑沙, 阿尔及利亚. 照片由奥利维尔 Lepetit 提供. 阿尔及利亚沙丘…

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The Sahara Desert is Advancing in Mauritania

Mauritania is a country in northwest Africa, and much of its territory is covered by the Sahara Desert, which has been expanding over the past couple of decades due to several factors, including prolonged drought and overgrazing by livestock. 毛里塔尼亚大约四分之三是沙漠或半沙漠, with nothing…

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南非豪登省的内陆地区没有任何沿海沙丘, 但仍然可以在 Mount Mayhem 矿场练习滑沙, 位于博克斯堡,距约翰内斯堡约半小时车程,就在贝诺尼郊外. 混乱山滑沙. 在山滑沙. 混乱…

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撒哈拉沙漠指南 & 有趣的事实

The Sahara is the largest hot desert in the world and the second hottest desert, 在伊朗的卢特沙漠之后. The Sahara occupies approximately 10 percent of the African Continent and spans several countries including Algeria, 乍得, 埃及, 利比亚, 马里, 毛里塔尼亚, 摩洛哥, 尼日尔, 苏丹和突尼斯. 因此, the history…

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岩石沙漠或滨田: 特征和信息

岩石沙漠, also known as hamadas, are vast areas covered with rocks, which have been stripped of all debris due to wind erosion. Pebbly deserts, referred to as serir or reg, originate from ancient alluvial deposits. 随着时间的推移, the wind has carried away the finer debris, leaving only pebbles behind.”…

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Boa Vista, the easternmost island in the Cape Verde archipelago, is renowned for its impressive sand dunes and deserts. The island offers an adrenaline-pumping sandboarding experience at Morro de Areia’s dunes, best experienced through a guided tour.

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亚特兰蒂斯沙丘滑沙. 照片由 Bongani2 提供.


The Western Cape, with its diverse landscapes, offers thrilling sandboarding experiences. Top spots like Atlantis Dunes, 贝蒂湾, and Hout Bay provide unique challenges and breathtaking views, making this region a paradise for sandboarding enthusiasts.

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