最后更新于四月 13, 2024

数百人是 被迫在莫哈韦沙漠扎营 为应对当前的住房危机 洛杉矶县, 副新闻报道.

超过 200 people have been asked to leave the city limits for the open desert, where they often end up struggling with extreme heat, temperature swings, and lack of food and water.


无家可归的个人和拖车团体已搬迁至 兰开斯特市以外的非法人土地, 洛杉矶以北, 执法人员告知他们不会被“打扰”,他们的营地将被洗劫或搬走.

在城市范围内住在帐篷里的无家可归的人 经常被“扫地出门”, 并且看不见”, 并弥补周围 1% 兰开斯特的人口.


Reportedly, law enforcement officials regurarly crack down on homelessness by banning people from camping in certain spots within the city, giving citations for “loitering”, dismantling existing camps and destroying unhoused people’s tents and personal belongings.

Those affected have to leave the city limits in order to avoid harassment.

目前兰开斯特市公寓的平均租金约为 $1.771, 但作为对 Covid-19 大流行和当前经济的回应,价格一直在急剧上涨, 和 买不起房的人数逐年增加.

Homelessness in America has been growing at an alarming rate ever since 2016, with the number of Americans living without homes, in shelters or on the street rising and including people of every race, ethnicity, gender, and age group.

“这很糟糕 (…) 一直在城外. 很难得到食物或饮料. 这里的冬天很残酷, 还有无情的夏天。”

那些被迫在莫哈韦沙漠定居的人对他们的生活并不满意 生存现状, 报告与城市隔绝的感觉, 有 难以获得食物和饮料, 并且无法找到工作 为了重新站起来.

Some individuals have reportedly spent over eight years living in such conditions and many of them rely heavily on the aid of volunteers who drive to the desert to bring them food and water.

新思科技: 洛杉矶县的住房危机变得如此严重,以至于数百人觉得他们别无选择,只能在莫哈韦沙漠的非建制地区扎营, 他们不会受到警察的打击.

另请阅读: 这位亿万富翁想在美国沙漠中建造一座巨大的未来城市
