最后更新于 12 月 27, 2023

在柔软的沙滩上行走对健康有很多好处, 因为它可以改善血液流动, 释放内啡肽和 减轻压力, 给人一种平静的感觉,并提供一种放松的效果.

而且, 沙滩散步也可以进行有氧运动 并且比经常步行更有效地燃烧卡路里, 因此 减肥的好工具.

无论是冒险 在沙漠中徒步旅行 或者只是在海滩上散步, 有很多理由去 走沙.



Walking on sand has a range of health benefits that can contribute positively to both your physical and mental well-being:


The action of water on the legs facilitates the rise of the blood to the heart, 改善血液本身的循环和氧合.

此外, 没有穿鞋的脚可以自然而无拘束地自由活动, 从而完善平衡.


Walking with the sound of the sea helps to clear the mind of thoughts, 减轻压力, 缓解紧张和放松.

The rhythmic sound of the waves and the soothing sensation of sand beneath your feet have a calming effect on the mind, promoting a sense of peace and tranquility.

增加维生素 D 的摄入量

During the walk you are exposed to the sun’s rays and our body needs this vitamin, 这对于加强骨骼至关重要.

By walking on the sand and enjoying the sunshine, you can increase your vitamin D levels naturally, supporting bone health and potentially reducing the risk of conditions like osteoporosis.


Walking barefoot in the sand helps to reactivate, 语气, 加强腿部肌肉,缓解疲劳和沉重感.

The uneven and soft surface of the sand requires additional effort from the leg muscles to maintain stability and balance.

因此, regular sand walking can contribute to stronger and more toned legs. 此外, the massaging effect of the sand can help improve blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, potentially reducing the appearance of cellulite in women.


Wet sand works as a natural scrub that helps eliminate dead skin cells and can effectively work as a free beauty treatment for your feet.

This natural foot scrub is not only a refreshing sensation but can also improve the overall appearance and health of your feet.

It’s like receiving a free beauty treatment while enjoying a leisurely stroll along the beach.


走在沙子上燃烧 600 每小时卡路里, 相比 210 至 360 “经常”在平面上行走所消耗的卡路里.

消耗的卡路里量较高是由于以下事实 走在沙滩上需要更加努力, 因为每走一步,你的脚就会开始沉入软沙中, 你必须“爬”回水面.

如果你住在靠近海滩的地方, 你会发现沙滩散步是一种很好的锻炼方式, 养成早起训练的习惯是值得的, 这样您就可以避开高峰时段的海滩游客人群和夏季炎热.


  • 在沙滩上行走时移动手臂和手: 这将促进血液循环.
  • 在清晨或下午晚些时候去海滩,避开太阳最强的中午. 涂上强力防晒霜 并确保保持充足的水分, 为了避免可能的晒伤或, 在最坏的情况下, 中暑. 保护自己也很重要 太阳帽一副太阳镜 在夏天.
  • 干软沙和湿沙都适合步行, 但你可能会发现在湿沙上行走更容易,因为表面更紧凑. 如果你赤脚走路, 你可能还想避免干燥,因为夏天会变得很热.
  • 穿 最适合沙子的鞋子. 如果太冷不能赤脚或只想穿鞋, 有一些选项最适合沙子并提高您的表现.


如果你有孩子, 让他们赤脚在沙滩上走来走去.

脚的形状从胎儿的生命开始成熟,一直持续到 12-13 岁, 随着时间的推移,适应地面的能力逐渐完善.

这就是为什么 赤脚走在沙滩上有助于孩子的发展 并在他们长大后预防足部问题.

在成人, 沙走也可能是有益的,因为它有助于加强脚部的肌肉.

那说, 没有科学证据支持赤脚在沙滩上行走有助于纠正扁平足或足弓问题的说法.

赤脚跑步者和沙滩步行爱好者发誓让双脚适应不同类型的表面对心理和身体健康的好处, 与地面连接 (“接地”), 让你的鞋底尽可能多地呼吸.

虽然其中许多好处对某些人来说肯定是正确的, 如果您已经患有足部问题,您不太可能仅仅通过赤脚来解决它们.

光明的一面, 赤脚走在沙滩上并没有任何负面影响 为了您的健康, 因此,如果您愿意,可以随意脱鞋.

另请阅读: 沙漠跑步指南

Walking on Sand FAQs

Is walking on sand a good form of exercise?

Walking on sand is an excellent form of exercise. It engages more muscles compared to walking on a flat surface like pavement or a treadmill.

The unstable surface of sand requires greater effort to maintain balance, which helps strengthen your legs, core, and ankles.

而且, walking on sand provides resistance, making it a low-impact but effective workout for burning calories and toning your lower body.

What are the health benefits of walking on sand?

Walking on sand offers several health benefits. It helps improve cardiovascular fitness by increasing your heart rate and providing a good aerobic workout.

The uneven surface of sand also activates the smaller stabilizing muscles in your feet and legs, which can enhance overall balance and stability.

此外, walking on sand can provide stress relief, as being in natural environments has been shown to reduce anxiety and improve mood.

It can also be a great way to strengthen your feet and improve foot arches.

How many calories can I burn by walking on sand?

The number of calories burned while walking on sand depends on various factors such as your body weight, walking speed, and the intensity of the activity.

On average, a person weighing around 150 pounds can burn approximately 150-200 calories per 30 minutes of walking on sand.

Keep in mind that walking on soft sand requires more effort and burns more calories compared to walking on firm sand.

To increase the calorie burn, you can try walking on sand dunes or inclines.

Is walking on sand suitable for everyone?

Walking on sand can be enjoyed by people of different fitness levels, but it may not be suitable for everyone.

If you have existing joint or muscle issues, it’s best to consult with your healthcare provider before starting a sand walking routine.

此外, individuals with balance problems or stability issues should exercise caution while walking on sand, as the uneven surface may increase the risk of falls.

It’s important to start slowly and gradually increase your walking distance and intensity.

Should I wear special shoes for walking on sand?

While it’s not necessary to wear special shoes for walking on sand, choosing appropriate footwear can enhance your comfort and reduce the risk of foot-related problems.

Opt for shoes that provide good arch support, 缓冲, and have a sole that can grip the sand.

或者, some people prefer walking barefoot on sand, as it allows the foot muscles to work more naturally.

Barefoot at the beach
