最后更新于 1 月 30, 2024

智利是另一个滑沙天堂 在南美洲, with a range of diverse and breathtaking landscapes that are perfect for sliding down on a sandboard.

在该国北部, you’ll find the 阿塔卡马沙漠, 世界上最干燥的沙漠.

This surreal, otherworldly region is home to endless sand dunes, rocky outcroppings, and stunning geological wonders.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced sandboarder, the Atacama Desert offers endless opportunities for adventure and fun.

If you’re looking for a more coastal experience, head to the regions near 伊基克, 瓦尔帕莱索, and Viña del Mar, where you’ll find some of the most breathtaking views in all of Chile.

这里, you can surf the dunes at high speed, taking in the stunning views of the ocean and the surrounding mountains as you go.

Cerro Dragon 的滑沙运动, 伊基克, 智利. 照片由克里斯蒂安·卡尔卡尼奥提供.

Iquique offer some of the most thrilling sandboard rides in the world on its massive urban dune.

这个靠近港口城镇伊基克的令人难以置信的沙丘被称为 龙山 (“龙山”) 因为从历史上看它曾经看起来像一条沉睡的龙.

这是 世界上最大的城市沙丘, 伊基克就站在它的底部!

Cerro Dragon 的斜坡 有不同的高度和陡峭程度,因此初学者可以从较小的开始,然后在获得信心时逐渐开始较大的.

There are some rather thrilling rides at this location, 沙丘高达 350m, 所以准备好肾上腺素飙升:

Cerro Dragon 的滑沙运动


你可以 在线租用沙板 并在伊基克收集或将其送到您的住处.

所有板都配有鞋带, 智利手工制作,为成人提供不同尺寸, 青少年和儿童.


Duna Cerebro is a large sand dune located near the city of Iquique in northern Chile.

The shape of the sand resembles a brain (由此得名), and its popularity among tourists and locals as a spot for sandboarding.

The dune is part of the larger complex which also includes other smaller dunes in the near proximity of the city.


Punta de Concon 滑沙
在康康沙丘滑沙. 照片由朱利安·莫贾提供.

康康沙丘 是一组位于 比尼亚德尔马 自治市, 城镇之间 有 有 流鼻涕, 并且距离不远 瓦尔帕莱索.

These dunes are a great sandboarding spot which offers stunning views of the Pacific Ocean.


滑沙死亡谷 / 火星谷 - 阿塔卡马沙漠, 智利
死亡谷的滑沙, 圣佩德罗德阿塔卡马, 智利. 照片由迭戈·德尔索提供.

智利的死亡谷 位于阿塔卡马沙漠, 距离小镇约2公里 圣佩德罗德阿塔卡马 在安第斯山脉.

它也被称为 火星谷,因为它的景观类似于另一个星球, 主要由红色岩层和陨石坑组成.

可以在一些柔软的沙丘上练习滑沙, 达到 120 米高.

你可以 直接在圣佩德罗德阿塔卡马租一个沙板 自己前往山谷或参加导游.



另请阅读: The Atacama Desert Blooms After Rain
