最后更新于 11 月 17, 2023


Grab your sandboard and hit the dunes of the Big Drift (威尔逊岬国家公园), 离墨尔本不远, 或享受联合国教科文组织世界遗产 瑟拉沙丘 马拉库塔附近.

如果您正在寻找一些海滩乐趣, head to Phillip Island and search for a dune locally known as “斯普希尔” (officially Norman Hill), one of many massive coastal dunes of Cape Woolamai.


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大漂移 - 威尔逊岬国家公园

大漂移是一个巨大的内陆沙丘系统 位于威尔逊岬国家公园, 距墨尔本东南仅几个小时车程.


瑟拉沙丘 – Croajingolong 国家公园

瑟拉沙丘, 位于马拉库塔附近, 维多利亚, 在联合国教科文组织世界遗产 克罗金戈隆国家公园生物圈保护区, 包含一些南半球最高的沙丘.

位于瑟拉河沿岸, 其中一个沙丘已经结束 100 米高,非常陡峭, 使其成为滑沙的理想选择.

斯普希尔 (Norman Hill) – Phillip Island

Spew Hill is a 40 metre sand dunes located on the back dunes of Cape Woolamai, a small coastal town in Phillip Island.

The town is known for its beautiful beaches and rugged coastline, and is a popular destination for surfing, 钓鱼, and other outdoor activities.

The back beaches of Cape Woolamai are particularly popular with surfers and thrill seekers, they are home to some of the island’s most spectacular sand dunes: massive sand hills towering over the beach and providing a dramatic backdrop to the ocean.

The largest and main dune is officially called Norman Hill, but local football clubs renamed it “Spew Hill”. It is a true hidden gem and one of the best off-the-beaten-track attractions in Phillip Island.

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