最后更新于八月 28, 2023

华盛顿州东部的大部分地区是沙漠, 虽然大部分是半干旱的,被灌木和植被覆盖.

有一些沙丘系统和较小的沙碗, 提供壮观的沙漠远足列车和有限的机会 沙滩冲浪.

The sand dunes in this area are the result of ancient lakes that once covered the region. As the water receded, the sand was left behind and the wind and water have shaped it into the dunes we see today.

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华帝沙丘, 华盛顿.


华帝沙丘——昆西, 西澳

One of the most popular sand dune systems in Eastern Washington is 华帝沙丘, located near Quincy.

The area surrounding the Echo Basin and Frenchman Coulee offers a unique hiking experience and is popular with hikers and rock climbers alike.

The dunes offer a wide range of terrain, from small hills to large bowls, providing a diverse and challenging experience for outdoor enthusiasts.

摩西湖沙丘——摩西湖, 西澳

数千英亩的沙丘与 3,000 英亩开放供越野使用.

Another popular destination for sand enthusiasts is Moses Lake Dunes, located near Moses Lake. This area features thousands of acres of dunes, 和 3,000 英亩开放供越野使用.

The dunes here offer a vast and diverse landscape, providing a playground for off-road vehicles, 滑沙, and other outdoor activities.

贝弗利沙丘——贝弗利, 西澳

一个相对较小的沙丘区域 300 英亩与一些小山丘和碗.

For those looking for a smaller and more intimate sand dune experience, Beverly Dunes, located near Beverly, offers a relatively small dune area of 300 英亩. This area features some small hills and bowls, providing a more manageable and less crowded experience for sand enthusiasts.


滑面沙板 响尾蛇板
– 9 铺层枫木单板甲板
– 高压层压底座, 高光泽
– Dakine 可调节脚带
– Slip Face Sandboards 多定位脚垫
– 燕尾设计

红隼翼 127
– 9 铺层枫木单板甲板
– 低摩擦底座
– Dakine 可调节脚带
– Slip Face Sandboards 多定位脚垫
– 燕尾设计


