最后更新于 12 月 7, 2023

有几个机会 在南澳大利亚沙漠般的沙丘和沙丘上滑沙.

随着滑沙作为一项运动的日益普及, 该地区的国家公园已开始指定可以进行滑沙运动的选定区域 远离植被.

目前, 南澳最受欢迎的沙滩冲浪目的地是袋鼠岛的小撒哈拉, 阿德莱德附近.

以下, 所有的清单 南澳大利亚的沙滩冲浪地点.

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雅尔别沙丘. 五花湾, 南澳大利亚.
雅尔别沙丘. 五花湾, 南澳大利亚.

Yanerbie Sandhill——五花湾

A beautiful sand dune area near Streaky Bay in South Australia.

The dunes are white and smooth, and offer a contrast to the blue ocean and green vegetation.

The dunes can be accessed by 4×4 vehicles, which can drive along the beach and the sand.

There are also walking trails and picnic spots for visitors to enjoy the scenery and wildlife.

小撒哈拉沙丘 - 袋鼠岛, 澳大利亚
小撒哈拉沙漠. 照片由黛博拉·皮克特提供.


小撒哈拉是位于 Vivonne 湾袋鼠岛的沙丘系统.

It consists of a naturally occurring, 大约两平方公里的沙漠状沙丘系统.

滑沙和滑沙 是公园的两个主要景点,如果您访问该岛,这是必须的, 这就是去的地方 阿德莱德附近的滑沙.

你可以 提前在网上租一辆沙地雪橇.


艾尔半岛的沙丘, 南澳大利亚
艾尔半岛的沙丘, 南澳大利亚


A natural reserve that overlooks Boston Bay, the largest natural harbour in Australia.

The park features diverse landscapes, including sheltered bays, offshore islands, limestone cliffs, 沙丘, and coastal vegetation.

Lincoln National Park is home to many native animals, such as kangaroos, emus, echidnas, and seabirds.

The peninsula offers various recreational opportunities, such as camping, 钓鱼, 划船, 远足, and wildlife watching.


A protected natural area that showcases the remote coastal scenery of Eyre Peninsula.

Coffin Bay National Park has pristine beaches, turquoise waters, rocky headlands, 和沙丘.

The park is famous for its oysters, which are harvested from the bay. The area supports a rich biodiversity, including dolphins, 海豹, sea lions, 鹈鹕, and ospreys.

Coffin Bay provides a range of activities, such as swimming, 冲浪, 皮划艇, 滑沙, and bushwalking.

福勒斯湾保护公园 - 福勒斯湾

一个 hidden gem located on the western side of Eyre Peninsula.

The park is known for its wildlife, especially the southern right whales that visit the bay between June and October.

The park also has endless sand dunes that stretch for kilometres along the coast.

The dunes have designated areas for sandboarding, which is a fun and adventurous way to enjoy the sand.

The park also has a historic jetty, a campground, and a lookout point.


