Kelowna, 不列颠哥伦比亚省: Not Quite A Desert

When you think of Kelowna, 不列颠哥伦比亚省, what comes to mind? For many, it’s the stunning Okanagan Lake, the rolling vineyards, or the picturesque hiking trails. Kelowna boasts an array of natural wonders waiting to be explored. From the tranquil Waterfront Park offering stunning views of Okanagan Lake to the…

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Sand Dunes of Saskatchewan: Info and Locations

Saskatchewan is a province with a surprising natural wonder: hidden sand dunes. These dunes are scattered throughout the province, offering visitors a unique and secluded sand dune experience. From the Great Sand Hills to the Athabasca Sand Dunes, there is a sand dune for everyone to enjoy.

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卡克罗斯沙漠, 育空地区, 加拿大. 照片由迭戈·德尔索提供. CC-BY-SA


当您想到加拿大时,首先想到的可能是, 嗯……雪. What may be surprising is that there are actually a few deserts and sand dunes across Canada which make sandboarding and sand duning in the country possible. 卡克罗斯沙漠, 育空地区, 加拿大. 照片…

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