The Largest Deserts in Asia

The largest desert in Asia is the Arabian Desert, covering a vast area of 2,330,000 平方公里. This expansive desert, situated in Western Asia, extends across countries like Saudi Arabia, 也门, 阿曼, 阿拉伯联合酋长国, 和更多.

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除非您参加沙丘冲刺沙漠之旅,否则阿联酋之旅是不完整的 - 沙丘骑行的阿拉伯等价物, 这意味着在非常颠簸的沙丘上高速行驶. 当你在那里的时候, 为什么不在其中一个上享受一些惊人的滑沙…

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The Fascinating World of Camel Races: A Look into a Time-Honored Desert Tradition

Camel racing is most popular in the Middle East, where it has been a beloved tradition for centuries. Countries like the United Arab Emirates, 卡塔尔, and Saudi Arabia host some of the most prestigious camel racing events in the world, attracting thousands of spectators and participants. 在澳大利亚, camel racing has become a popular tourist attraction, with events like the Alice Springs Camel Cup drawing large crowds.

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