Dernière mise à jour en juin 24, 2023

Quand les gens pensent à Las Vegas, ils imaginent souvent les lumières éblouissantes et les casinos animés qui rendent cette ville célèbre.

Cependant, Juste au-delà des paillettes et du glamour se trouve un joyau caché qui attend d'être exploré : le captivant désert de Las Vegas..

Nous parlons du désert de Mojave, l'un des quatre principaux déserts des États-Unis. Il existe de nombreuses occasions de découvrir ce désert près de Las Vegas, et il offre une aventure unique et inoubliable aux amoureux de la nature et aux amateurs de plein air..

Las Vegas desert tours and activities
Las Vegas’s Mojave desert, a travel destination like no other.

Destinations du désert de Las Vegas

Zone de conservation nationale du Red Rock Canyon

One of the must-visit destinations in the Las Vegas Desert is the Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area.

Just a short drive from the Las Vegas Strip, this breathtaking desert landscape offers a stunning contrast to the city’s bright lights.

The area is known for its vibrant red sandstone formations, gigantic cliffs, and picturesque hiking trails.

Hiking enthusiasts will be delighted by the numerous trails available, catering to all levels of experience.

The popular Calico Tanks trail takes you on a scenic journey through a maze of colorful rock formations, leading to a natural water tank with stunning views of the surrounding desert.

For a more challenging adventure, the Turtlehead Peak trail rewards hikers with panoramic vistas of the Las Vegas Valley from its summit.

If you prefer a more leisurely exploration, scenic drives through the Red Rock Canyon are a fantastic option.

The 13-mile scenic loop drive allows you to immerse yourself in the desert’s beauty while making stops at various viewpoints and picnic areas along the way.

Keep your eyes peeled for wildlife sightings, including desert bighorn sheep and elusive desert tortoises.

Parc d'État de la vallée de feu

Another remarkable destination in the Las Vegas Desert is the Parc d'État de la vallée de feu, aptly named for its fiery red sandstone formations that appear to be ablaze under the desert sun.

Located about an hour’s drive northeast of Las Vegas, this park is a haven for nature enthusiasts and photographers.

As you explore the Valley of Fire, you’ll encounter breathtaking rock formations shaped by thousands of years of wind and water erosion.

L'emblématique Fire Wave, a swirling formation of vibrant red and white sandstone, is a favorite spot for photographers seeking to capture the desert’s unique beauty.

The park also features ancient petroglyphs—rock carvings made by indigenous peoples centuries ago—which provide a glimpse into the area’s rich cultural history.

Hiking trails abound in the Valley of Fire, offering different levels of difficulty and length.

The White Domes Trail takes you on an adventure through narrow slot canyons, towering sandstone cliffs, and even a short walk through a vibrant, sandstone domed area.

The Fire Wave Trail, a relatively easy hike, récompense les visiteurs avec une vue rapprochée de la magnifique formation Fire Wave.

Parc national de la vallée de la mort

Pour une expérience du désert plus étendue, envisagez de vous aventurer dans le parc national de la Vallée de la Mort.

Bien que ce soit à quelques heures de route de Las Vegas, le voyage en vaut la peine pour les merveilles naturelles sans précédent qui vous attendent.

Le parc national de la Vallée de la Mort est connu pour ses paysages extrêmes et ses diverses caractéristiques géologiques.

Des marais salants et dunes de sable aux immenses sommets montagneux et badlands colorés, le parc offre des possibilités infinies d'exploration et d'aventure.

N'oubliez pas de visiter le bassin de Badwater, le point le plus bas en Amérique du Nord, et émerveillez-vous devant la vaste étendue de salines qui s'étend à perte de vue.

Le parc abrite également des sites historiques fascinants, comme le ville fantôme de Rhyolite, qui donne un aperçu du passé minier de la région.

Don’t miss the chance to witness the mesmerizing night sky in Death Valley, as the park is renowned for its dark skies, making it an ideal location for stargazing.

Visites du désert de Las Vegas & Activités

Faites naufrage lors d'une aventure en VTT remplie d'adrénaline

Are you ready to experience an adrenaline rush like no other?

Strap on your helmet and get ready for an exhilarating ATV adventure through the stunning landscapes of Las Vegas.

Feel the thrill as you zoom through rugged terrains, conquer sandy dunes, and navigate twists and turns that will leave you breathless.

This action-packed adventure is perfect for thrill-seekers and nature enthusiasts alike.

Donc, rev up your engine and prepare for an unforgettable off-road experience that will get your heart racing and leave you craving for more.

Survolez le désert de Las Vegas en montgolfière

Take your desert exploration to new heights with a breathtaking hot air balloon ride over the majestic Las Vegas desert.

Alors que tu montes dans le ciel, you’ll be treated to panoramic views of the sprawling desert landscape, with its rugged mountains and vast expanses.

Drift gently with the wind as the vibrant colors of sunrise or sunset paint the sky.

The serenity and tranquility of the hot air balloon ride will create an unforgettable experience that will stay with you long after you touch down.

Donc, prepare to soar high above the desert and witness its beauty from a whole new perspective.

Montez à dos de chameau et découvrez les animaux exotiques

Embark on a remarkable adventure as you saddle up and ride a camel through the enchanting Nevada desert.

These gentle creatures will carry you on a journey through breathtaking landscapes, allowing you to immerse yourself in the beauty of nature. But the experience doesn’t stop there.

Le long du chemin, you’ll have the opportunity to learn about exotic animals from knowledgeable guides.

Encounter fascinating creatures up close and personal, from the African Crested Porcupine to the Small Clawed Otters.

It’s a chance to expand your knowledge, se connecter avec la nature, and create lifelong memories as you embark on this unique camel ride and exotic animal encounter.

Admirez les installations artistiques à couper le souffle du désert du Nevada

Prepare to be captivated by the awe-inspiring desert art installations scattered throughout Nevada‘s breathtaking landscapes.

Among them, Seven Magic Mountains stands out as a truly mesmerizing sight.

Created by Swiss artist Ugo Rondinone, this captivating collection features seven imposing sculptures made of stacked boulders, reaching heights between 30 et 35 pieds.

The vibrant colors adorning the sculptures create a striking contrast against the desert backdrop, inviting visitors to immerse themselves in the harmony of art and nature.

Located just a short drive from Las Vegas, Seven Magic Mountains is easily accessible and offers a unique opportunity to marvel at the fusion of creativity and the natural world.

Dévoilez les mystères de la région 51 en visite guidée

Pour les vrais aventuriers, a visit to the legendary Area 51 is an absolute must.

Cette base militaire top secrète, shrouded in mystery and surrounded by conspiracy theories, has become an icon of curiosity.

While the government maintains that it’s used for testing and training, the allure of secret alien experiments persists.

A visit to Area 51 promises a once-in-a-lifetime experience, even if you’re not a fan of the X-files or believer in extraterrestrial phenomena.

While access to the actual base is restricted, de nombreuses agences de voyages proposent des visites guidées de la région, vous emmenant au périmètre de la base pour un aperçu de l'installation secrète.

Embarquez pour une aventure d'une journée qui vous mènera à travers des paysages désertiques désolés et pittoresques, offrant un aperçu alléchant du monde d'Area 51.

Soyez témoin du top secret de Janet Airlines à l'aéroport international de Las Vegas, explorez la mystérieuse forêt de Joshua Tree, visitez l'énigmatique lac sec, et même apercevoir la tristement célèbre Black Mailbox et le « Absolute Perimeter » où les rumeurs sur les « Men in Black » persistent.

Lire la suite: 9 Activités de plein air à pratiquer dans le désert près de Las Vegas

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