Dernière mise à jour en janvier 30, 2024

Iquique is a vibrant coastal city in northern Chile, and a treasure trove of adventure and natural beauty.

Strategically located between the Pacific Ocean and the Atacama Desert, this city offers a unique blend of urban charm and natural wonders.

One of the city’s most remarkable features is the Cerro Dragon, or Dragon Hill, the largest urban sand dune in the world.

This colossal sand dune stretches for approximately 4 kilomètres dans la ville, créer un spectacle naturel qui laisse une impression durable.

Sandboard au Cerro Dragon
Sandboard au Cerro Dragon, Iquique, Chili. Photo publiée avec l'aimable autorisation de Cristian Calcagno

Historically, Cerro Dragon was known to resemble a sleeping dragon, hence its name.

Aujourd'hui, it stands as a testament to the city’s unique geographical features, making it a paradise for thrill-seekers.

With slopes of various heights and degrees of steepness, beginners can start with the smaller ones and gradually proceed with the bigger ones as they gain confidence. For the more adventurous, there are thrilling rides at this location, avec des dunes jusqu'à 350m de haut.

In Iquique, you can take sandboarding tours with the 2015-2016 Sandboard World Champion, José Martinez.

The tour costs $30,000 CLP per person, qui est d'environ $33 USD according to the current exchange rate.

This includes transportation, a professional board, instruction, and videos. It’s perfect for all levels, from beginners to professionals.

The tour takes place at the Cerro Dragon Natural Sanctuary, la plus grande dune de sable urbaine du monde. Ici, you’ll enjoy breathtaking views of Iquique city while experiencing the thrill of sandboarding.

Location de sandboard

Tu peux louer un sandboard en ligne et récupérez-le à Iquique ou faites-le livrer à votre logement.

Toutes les planches sont équipées de fixations de chaussures, handmade in Chile, and come in different sizes for adults, teenagers, and kids.

Ce qu'il faut apporter

Remember to bring comfortable shoes, des lunettes de soleil, crème solaire, and comfortable clothing. The weather in Iquique is usually warm and sunny, so dress accordingly.

Au-delà du sandboard, Iquique and Cerro Dragon offer a variety of other exciting activities.

Par exemple, you can enjoy motorcycle rides and rally races on the dunes. The unique combination of wind patterns and topography has shaped Cerro Dragon into a haven for adrenaline enthusiasts.

Pour ceux qui recherchent une aventure plus détendue, la colline offre une vue imprenable sur la ville et l'océan Pacifique.

Son sommet offre une vue panoramique qui s'étend à perte de vue, offrant un aperçu à couper le souffle de la beauté côtière d'Iquique.

Lire aussi: Sandboard au Chili

Carte de sandboard en Amérique du Sud

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