Síðast uppfært í janúar 17, 2024

Oklahoma kemur á óvart sandbrettavænn áfangastaður þökk sé nærveru Waynoka sandalda í svokölluðu Litla Sahara þjóðgarðurinn (not to be confused with the Little Sahara Recreational Area, í Utah).

Þessir sandöldur eru leifar úr á sem rann þarna á forsögusvæðinu, og geri það svo sannarlega horfa beint út úr Sahara eyðimörkinni!

Þessi einstaka staðsetning er sannarlega falinn gimsteinn í Oklahoma fyrir unnendur ævintýra og sandíþrótta.

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Sandbretti í Oklahoma: Waynoka sandöldurnar (Litla Sahara þjóðgarðurinn)
Waynoka sandöldurnar, Litla Sahara þjóðgarðurinn, Allt í lagi. Mynd með leyfi frá Matt Howry.

Litla Sahara þjóðgarðurinn - Frábært

Litla Sahara þjóðgarðurinn er opið allt árið og þarf ekki leyfi til að komast inn.

It boasts over 1,600 hektara sandhóla, allt á hæð frá 25 fótum (7.6 m) til 75 ft (23 m) og nýtur mikilla vinsælda meðal torfærubíla.

Sandbretti er einnig stundað á stærra Sandfjallinu - þó þú gætir þurft þess komið með eigið borð.

Fyrir utan sandbretti, Little Sahara State Park is also a great place for off-road vehicles.

The park has over 50 miles of trails that are open to ATVs, sandaldarvagnar, and dirt bikes.

There are also a few camping areas in the park that are specifically designed for off-road enthusiasts.

Tvö sandleiksvæði fyrir börn eru í boði á White Sands tjaldsvæðinu og Jericho Picnic Area þar sem aðgangur utan vega er ekki leyfður.

Park Information

Little Sahara State Park is open year-round, 24 klukkustundir á dag. Hins vegar, the park’s facilities, such as the visitor center and campground, have specific hours of operation.

The visitor center is open from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, sjö daga vikunnar. The campground is open from March 1 to November 30.

The best time to visit Little Sahara State Park depends on what activities you are interested in.

If you want to go sandboarding, the best time to visit is during the summer months, þegar veðrið er hlýtt og þurrt.

If you are interested in off-road vehicles, the best time to visit is during the spring and fall, when the weather is mild.

Here are some other things to keep in mind when planning your visit to Little Sahara State Park:

  • The park is located in a desert climate, so it can be very hot and dry during the summer months. Be sure to bring plenty of water and sunscreen.
  • The park is very popular, so it can get crowded during the weekends and holidays. If you want to avoid the crowds, try to visit during the week.
  • There are a variety of camping options available in the park, including RV camping, tent camping, and primitive camping.
  • There are a number of hiking trails in the park, ranging from easy to challenging.
  • The park is home to a variety of wildlife, including deer, sléttuúlfur, and rabbits.

Að komast þangað

Little Sahara State Park is located about 100 miles northwest of Oklahoma City. The park is easily accessible by car, and there is a large parking area at the entrance. There is also a shuttle service that runs from the parking area to the sand dunes.

Með bíl

Little Sahara State Park is situated approximately 14 miles south of Waynoka, Oklahoma, og 6 miles north of the town of Cleo Springs. If you’re using a GPS or navigation system, you can enter the park’s address: 101 Main St, Frábært, Allt í lagi 73860.

From Waynoka: If you’re coming from Waynoka, head south on Highway 281 until you reach the park entrance. You’ll see signs indicating the direction to Little Sahara State Park.

From Cleo Springs: If you’re approaching from Cleo Springs, take Highway 8 north until you reach the park entrance. Look for the signs along the way.

Sandbretti til sölu

Slip Face Sandboards Diamondback Board
Slip Face Sandboards'
Diamond Back Terrain Sandboard
– 9 ply hlynur spónn þilfari
– Háþrýsti lagskipt grunnur, háglans
– Dakine stillanlegar fótólar
– Slip Face Sandboards fjölstillingar fótpúðar
- Hönnun á svelghala

Slip Face Sandboard Kestrel WingTail
Slip Face Sandboards'
Kestrel Wing 127
– 9 ply hlynur spónn þilfari
- Lágt núningsgrunnur
– Dakine stillanlegar fótólar
– Slip Face Sandboards fjölstillingar fótpúðar
- Hönnun á svelghala

Skoðaðu fleiri sandbretti og sandsleða

Sandbretti kort í Bandaríkjunum

History of the Waynoka dunes

The Waynoka dunes are some of the largest sand dunes in the United States.

They are located in Little Sahara State Park in Woods County, Oklahoma. The dunes were formed by a river that flowed through the area millions of years ago.

The river deposited sand in the area, and the wind then sculpted the sand into the dunes that we see today.

The dunes are constantly moving, so they are always changing shape. The average wind speed in the area is about 15 mílur á klukkustund, but it can sometimes reach speeds of up to 50 mílur á klukkustund.

The wind is what keeps the dunes moving and prevents them from becoming stable.

The Waynoka dunes were first discovered by European settlers in the 1800s. The settlers were amazed by the size and beauty of the dunes, and they soon began to use them for recreation. Í upphafi 1900, the dunes became a popular destination for sandboarding and off-road vehicles.

Í 1959, the Oklahoma Legislature purchased the land that is now Little Sahara State Park.

The park was officially opened in 1960, and it has been a popular destination for outdoor recreation ever since.

The Waynoka dunes are a unique and beautiful natural wonder. They are a great place to go for sandboarding, off-road vehicles, or simply to enjoy the natural beauty of the area.

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