Sist oppdatert januar 17, 2024

Texas is known for its hot summers, but there is some debate about which place in the state is the hottest.

Much of the state is covered by deserts, med multiple locations – especially those bordering Mexico in the south – consistently breaking records for highest temperature.

To find out which location is the hottest, det er et par ting å vurdere.

Først av alt, there are a few different regions of Texas which are contenders for the title, gjelder også:

  • DeBig Bend region, which includes Rio Grande Village in Big Bend National Park. This region is located in the southwestern corner of the state and is characterized by its desert climate, has recorded some of the most consistently highest temperatures in the State over the years.
  • DePermian Basin region, which includes Monahans Sandhills State Park. This region is located in the western part of the state and is also characterized by its desert climate, and has broken record for highest temperatures in the past.
  • DeEl Paso region, which is located in the southern part of the state and is also characterized by its desert climate, here you will find some of the hottest cities in Texas.

Så, which place is the hottest? It depends on how you define “hottest.”

Rio Grande landsby: The Hottest Place in Texas

Rio Grande Village ligger i Big Bend nasjonalpark, på grensen mellom Texas og Mexico.

Rio Grande is the hottest place in Texas in terms of average temperatures, med en gjennomsnittstemperatur på 77 grader Fahrenheit.

men, temperaturen kan ofte nå 115 grader Fahrenheit om sommeren.

De høye temperaturene i Rio Grande Village er forårsaket av en rekke faktorer, gjelder også:

  • Den lave luftfuktigheten i ørkenklimaet, som gjør at det er mindre vanndamp i luften for å absorbere varme. Dette gjør at solens varme lettere trenger inn i bakken og atmosfæren, som resulterer i høyere temperaturer.
  • Den høye solinnstrålingen i ørkenen, som betyr at solens stråler er mer direkte og lettere kan trenge inn i atmosfæren, varme opp bakken og luften mer effektivt.
  • Det lave skydekket i regionen, which allows more sunlight to reach the ground and heat it up.
  • The surrounding mountains, which trap heat and prevent it from escaping.
  • The lack of vegetation typical of desert regions, which does not shade the ground and allows the sun’s heat to penetrate more easily.

In addition to its average temperatures, Rio Grande Village has also recorded the highest temperature in Texas on several occasions.

I 2023, the temperature in Rio Grande Village reached 110.8 grader Fahrenheit, which is the highest temperature recorded in Texas in the past 10 år.

Rio Grande landsby, det varmeste stedet i Texas.
Rio Grande landsby, det varmeste stedet i Texas.

Seymour og Monahans: The Highest Temperature Ever Recorded

The highest temperature ever recorded in Texas was 120 grader Fahrenheit, which occurred in both Seymour and Monahans on August 12, 1936.

These towns are located in the Permian Basin region, which is known for its hot, tørt klima.

The high temperatures in Seymour and Monahans are caused by the same factors as the high temperatures in Rio Grande Village, but they are exacerbated by the fact that these towns are located in a basin, which traps heat.

Monahans Sandhills
Monahans Sandhills, Texas. Photo courtesy of Jason Priem.

Laredo: The Hottest City in Texas

Laredo is a city in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of South Texas. It is located on the Rio Grande River, which forms the border between the United States and Mexico.

While not as hot as Rio Grande Village in terms of average temperature, Laredo is often considered to be the hottest city in Texas. The temperature can often reach 105 grader Fahrenheit om sommeren.

Laredo is one of several cities in Texas that are located in the desert and near the border with Mexico.

These cities are often considered to be the hottest in Texas, other examples are El Paso, McAllen, and El Rio.

Laredo, the hottest city in Texas, is located just off the Mexican border
Laredo, the hottest city in Texas, is located just off the Mexican border

Hottest Texas Towns FAQs

Why is Texas so hot?

Det er noen få grunner til at Texas er så varmt. Først, staten ligger i det sørlige USA, som er nærmere ekvator enn det nordlige USA.

Sekund, Texas er en stor stat med mye åpent land, som lar varmen bygge seg opp.

Tredje, staten er omgitt av fjell, which trap heat and prevent it from escaping.

I tillegg til disse faktorene, klimaendringer gjør også Texas varmere.

Klimaendringer får jordas atmosfære til å varmes opp, which is leading to more extreme heat waves in the Southwest.

Which region of Texas is the hottest?

Den varmeste regionen i Texas er Perm-bassenget, som har en gjennomsnittstemperatur på 70 grader Fahrenheit og kan nå opp til 100 grader Fahrenheit om sommeren.

The Permian Basin ligger i den vestlige delen av staten og er preget av sin varme, tørt klima.

Regionen er også hjemsted for flere olje- og gassfelt, som bidrar til regionens varme klima.

What is the hottest place in Texas?

The hottest place in Texas is Rio Grande Village, which is located in Big Bend National Park.

It has an average temperature of 77 grader Fahrenheit og kan nå opp til 115 grader Fahrenheit om sommeren.

Chihuahuan-ørkenen, where Rio Grande Village is located, is one of the hottest and driest deserts in North America.

The desert climate is characterized by low humidity, high solar radiation, and low cloud cover. These factors all contribute to high temperatures.

Which Texas desert city is the hottest?

The hottest Texas desert city is Laredo, which is located in the Lower Rio Grande Valley.

It has an average temperature of 72 grader Fahrenheit og kan nå opp til 105 grader Fahrenheit om sommeren. The valley is surrounded by mountains, which trap heat and prevent it from escaping.

The city is also influenced by the hot, dry climate of Mexico, which is located just across the Rio Grande River.

Which is the hottest major city in Texas?

The hottest major city in Texas is El Paso. It has an average temperature of 75 grader Fahrenheit og kan nå opp til 100 grader Fahrenheit om sommeren.

El Paso is located in the Chihuahuan Desert, which is one of the hottest and driest deserts in North America.

The city is also surrounded by mountains, which trap heat and prevent it from escaping.

I tillegg, the city’s proximity to Mexico, which is located just across the Rio Grande River, also contributes to its hot climate.

What is the hottest temperature ever recorded in Texas?

The hottest temperature ever recorded in Texas was 120 grader Fahrenheit, which occurred in both Seymour and Monahans on August 12, 1936.

This temperature was recorded during a heat wave that affected much of the southern United States.

Seymour and Monahans are both located in the Permian Basin, which is a petroleum-rich region in West Texas. The oil and gas extraction process releases heat into the atmosphere, which contributes to the region’s hot climate.

What is the hottest month in Texas?

The hottest month in Texas is July. The average temperature in July is 85 grader Fahrenheit, and the hottest day of the year usually occurs in mid-July.

men, the hottest month in Texas can vary from year to year, depending on the weather pattern.

Heatwaves are increasingly common and extreme high temperatures often occur in August.

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