Ostatnia aktualizacja: czerwiec 10, 2023

Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve is a unique destination that offers visitors the opportunity to experience the tallest dunes in North America. Położony u podnóża gór Sangre de Cristo, pokrywają wydmy 19,000 hektarów i oferuje szereg działań, w tym sandboarding i sankach.

If you’re planning to visit Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve in 2023, here’s everything you need to know about sandboarding season and how to make the most of your visit.

Sandboarding the Great Sand Dunes in Colorado
Dziewczyna na sandboardingu w Parku Narodowym Great Sand Dunes. Zdjęcie dzięki uprzejmości Patricka Myers.

Why Sandboarding is a Must-Do Activity at Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve

Sandboarding is undoubtedly one of the most unique and thrilling activities on offer at Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve. The park’s dunes likely started forming nearly half a million years ago, and their shapes and patterns fluctuate constantly depending on the valley’s prevailing wind pattern du jour.

W 2019, Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve was certified as an International Dark Sky Park by the International Dark Sky Association. This designation recognizes the park’s efforts to preserve its dark night skies, which makes it an ideal location for stargazing and astronomy enthusiasts.

Ale back to sandboarding: this activity involves gliding down the dunes on a board, much like snowboarding on snow. Visitors can bring their own sandboards or rent them from local vendors, and all they need is to wax the bottom of their board and get ready to glide down.

Also known as sand surfing (or sand sledding if you are sitting or laying on your belly), this sport is actually quite easy to learn and suitable for all skill levels, from beginners to experienced riders, and loved by kids and adults alike.

Sandboarding can be a great way to experience the park’s unique landscape in a fun and memorable way. It’s also a great activity to do with friends and family, creating unforgettable memories that will last a lifetime. Plus, sandboarding is a great workout, engaging core muscles and improving balance and coordination.

Sandboarding Rental Options

To enjoy sandboarding, you’ll need to rent a specific board or sled that works well on sand. Basic sleds, snowboardy, karton, and saucers don’t tend to work at Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve. Zamiast, you’ll want to rent a sandboard or sled designed specifically designed for sandboarding.

You can rent sandboards and sleds from three local concessioners. The Sklep Oaza is immediately outside the park’s entrance and offers rentals for around $20 na dzień. Spin Drift Sandboards in Blanca, owned by Amy Raney, is another great option. Raney opened Spin Drift Sandboards in 2018 and now has over 130 boards available for rent. Her shop opens every March for spring break and is open from 9 a.m. do 6 po południu. siedem dni w tygodniu. Kristi Mountain Sports in Alamosa is the third rental option.

When you rent a sandboard or sled, make sure to wear light, long pants and shirt. You should also bring sunscreen and water, as well as goggles and face coverings for blowing sand in the wind.

Best Times to Go Sandboarding

To make the most of your sandboarding experience, it’s best to go early in the morning to avoid the afternoon heat and storms. This is especially important during the summer months when temperatures can climb above 90 stopni Fahrenheita.

It’s also worth noting that sandboarding is not recommended for those who plan to hike long distances or venture to the highest dunes far out in the field. Kids will enjoy small slopes from the parking lot, while teens and adults popularly hike the mile-plus to the first top ridge and hit lines along the way.

Sandboarding w Kolorado: Zatoczka Medano / Wydmy piaskowe Castle Creek
Sandboarding w Kolorado: Zatoczka Medano / Wydmy piaskowe Castle Creek

Sandboarding Tips for Beginners

If you’re new to sandboarding, it’s important to rent the right equipment and take precautions to ensure your safety. Look for slopes with a gentle runout at the bottom; that way, if you get going faster than intended, you won’t crash and burn.

When you rent a sandboard or sled, make sure to ask for wax pucks i gogle. The wax pucks will help you glide smoothly over the sand, while the goggles will protect your eyes from the blowing sand.

Sandboarding is an activity that’s suitable for everyone, from young children to older adults. W rzeczywistości, the youngest person to stand on a sandboard at Great Sand was just 3 lat, while the oldest was 78, Spin Drift Sandboards reports.

Sandboarding is an activity that’s suitable for everyone, from young children to older adults. W rzeczywistości, the youngest person to stand on a sandboard at Great Sand Dunes was just 3 lat, while the oldest was 78, Spin Drift Sandboards reports.

Other activities at Great Sand Dunes

Oprócz sandboardingu, są plenty of other activities to do at Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve. Visitors can hike through the dunes, explore the park’s diverse ecosystem, and even soak in the nearby natural hot springs. Z ponad 30 square miles of dunes to explore, there’s no shortage of things to do and see at this incredible park.

One of the most popular spots in the park is Zatoczka Medano, a seasonal stream that attracts people of all ages. The stream flows from April to July, but the best time to visit is from late May until mid-June when it gets the most crowded. The name “Medano” means “sand dune” in Spanish, and sandboarding is just one of the many activities that you can enjoy here, including skimboarding, surfing, tubing, and sand sculpting.

Dla wyjątkowego doświadczenia, visit the North Sand Hills Recreation Area, a 1,400-acre patch of sand located in the middle of a mountain, otoczony drzewami. Once a bison killing site for Native Americans, it’s now a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts. With its breathtaking landscapes and outdoor recreation opportunities, it’s the perfect place to immerse yourself in the great outdoors and soak in the stunning views of the surrounding mountain scenery.

If you’re planning a trip to Colorado, be sure to add Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve to your itinerary. With its unique landscape and diverse activities, it’s sure to be an unforgettable experience for all. And don’t forget to give sandboarding a try – it’s a must-do activity for any adventurous traveler!

Przeczytaj także: Sandboarding w Kolorado: Best Locations and Dunes

Mapa Sandboardingu USA

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