Ultima actualizare în iunie 15, 2024

Manhattan Beach Sand Dune Park is a unique and popular destination for visitors in the South Bay area of California.

Located at 3299 Bulevardul Bell, Manhattan Beach, this park offers visitors a chance to experience the natural beauty of the area while also getting a challenging workout.

Opening hours during Daylight Saving Time are from 8:00 AM până la 7:00 P.M, and offers a variety of activities for visitors of all ages.

Sand Dune Park is a great place for outdoor activities, exercise, and nature walks. The park is open to the public but with certain rules and restrictions in place to protect the park and the neighborhood.

Visitors can make reservations online to ensure their spot, and the park offers a playground, mese de picnic, shaded picnic facilities, toalete, and drinking fountains.

The Massive Sand Hill at Manhattan Beach Sand Dunes Park.
The Massive Sand Hill at Manhattan Beach Sand Dunes Park.

The sand dunes at Manhattan Beach Sand Dune Park are a popular destination for visitors and locals alike.

These steep sand dunes offer a unique and intense workout for fitness enthusiasts, and are one of the last “remnants of a time when much of the South Bay landscape was sand dunes„, according to local historian Jan Dennis.

The sand dune has been used by amateur and professional athletes and has been featured in fitness magazines and newspaper accounts as a great workout spot.

The dune is about 100-foot high and surrounded by steps and switchbacks that provide different ways to reach the top.

Sand Dune Hill Workout

For fitness enthusiasts, the sand dune at Manhattan Beach Sand Dune Park provides a unique and intense workout. The super steep incline and powdery-soft sand make for a challenging climb.

Athletes of all levels, from amateur to professional, can push themselves to the limit at the dune. The park also offers an alternative workout with the 208 steps located next to the dune.

While jogging on the steps is prohibited, walking up the steps can still provide a great workout.

The park has been used by notable athletes such as Troy Polamalu of the Pittsburgh Steelers, Thomas Mayo of the NY Jets, Kobe Bryant, Andrew Bynum and several of their Los Angeles Lakers teammates, and Paul Pierce of the Los Angeles Clippers.

Training at the Manhattan Beach Sand Dune Park.


Pe lângă dunele de nisip, the park also offers visitors a playground, mese de picnic, shaded picnic facilities, toalete, and drinking fountains.

The park is a popular spot for bird watching, Bob Shanman with Wild Birds Unlimited has spotted at least 163 different species of birds within the area.

One of the main attractions of Sand Dune Park is the 100-foot high sand dune, which is a favorite destination for kids of all ages. Steps and switchbacks lead up into the nature area as a trail that provides different ways to reach the top.

The trail winds through plant life and provides an interesting and educational nature walk. The top of the dune provides a panoramic east-facing view of the City.

Din apropiere

When visiting Manhattan Beach Sand Dune Park, visitors can also check out nearby attractions such as Bruce’s Beach, the “Jerry Maguire” house, Manhattan Beach Farmers Market, AdventurePlex, and Manhattan Beach Pier.

View from top of the sand hill and Manhattan Beach Sand Dunes Park.
View from top of the sand hill.

To ensure that everyone can enjoy the park safely, the city has put in place certain rules and restrictions.

Because a reservation system is in place, reservations must be made online in advance. The entrance to the fenced area is supervised during scheduled hours.

Use of the sand dune is by reservation only, and the majority of the visitors are not allowed to form large groups, such as sports teams, to reserve the sand dune.

The city also heavily fines violators of the restrictions, including non-residents who are unaware of the rigidity of the restrictions, hundreds of dollars for a single violation.

În plus, there are rules in place for the use of the steps located next to the dune. Signs read “No Jogging” and fines are higher for those caught jogging on the steps.

The city regularly sends police to watch for violators and enforcement officials distinguish between jogging and walking. The rules for walking on the steps are similar to those of International Racewalking, requiring one foot to be on the ground at all times.

Dogs are permitted on leash along the designated walking area east of the tot lot and along cement walkways as posted.


Manhattan Beach Sand Dunese park is open from 8:00 AM până la 7:00 PM during Daylight Saving Time.

The park has implemented a reservation system to help ensure a sustainable use of the park and reduce maintenance costs.

Visitors are required to make reservations up to 7 days in advance in advance, și the cost is $1.00 per hour for Manhattan Beach residents and $3.00 for non-residents.

Visitors can make reservations online on the city’s website, and each individual must make their own reservation on their own account.

To cancel a reservation for the sand dunes, you must do it via email and at least 2 hours in advance of the scheduled reservation. You can contact the city at (310) 802-5448 or email for any question regarding the reservation or for more information.

Manhattan Beach Sand Dune Park is located at 3299 Bulevardul Bell, Manhattan Beach, California. The park is located on a converted dump site, which was built by local residents in 1964.

It is surrounded by a residential neighborhood, and it is one of the last remaining remnants of the South Bay landscape’s sand dunes.

Visitors can find the park by searching for the address or by looking for the large sand dune that gives the park its name.

The distance between Manhattan Beach Pier and Hermosa Pier is about 2.5 mile (4.02 kilometri) and it can be accessed by sand.

It is a scenic walk that runs along the coast and can take around 45 minute pentru a 1 hour to walk. Visitors can enjoy a beautiful view of the ocean and enjoy the beach atmosphere.

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