Последњи пут ажурирано августа 7, 2023

The Southwest is currently in the midst of a historic heatwave, with temperatures soaring well above normal for this time of year.

In Texas, temperatures have reached as high as 115 degrees Fahrenheit, and in Arizona, temperatures have reached as high as 120 degrees Fahrenheit.

This heatwave is part of a larger trend of increasing heatwaves around the world, which are being caused by climate change.

If you’re living in the Southwest or planning to visit any time soon, it’s important to know how to stay cool and safe during a heatwave.

Below are some tips on what to wear in extreme hot weather, to help you stay cool and safe.

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Woman running in the heat
Jogger running in the heat

Choose Lightweight, Breathable Fabrics

When choosing clothing to wear in extreme hot weather or during a heatwave, it is important to choose fabrics that will help you to stay cool.

Synthetic fabrics like polyester can trap heat, making you feel hotter. Уместо тога, opt for natural fabrics like cotton, linen, and silk. These fabrics are lightweight and breathable, which will help to wick away sweat and keep you cool.

Cotton is a popular choice for hot weather clothing because it is soft, absorbent, and breathable. It is also relatively inexpensive, making it a great option for budget-minded shoppers. Linen is another good choice for hot weather clothing. It is even more breathable than cotton and has a natural cooling effect.

Међутим, linen can wrinkle easily, so it is not the best choice for formal occasions. Silk is a luxurious fabric that is also lightweight and breathable. It is a great choice for hot weather clothing, but it can be more expensive than cotton or linen.

For those seeking an alternative to traditional fabrics, consider merino wool. Despite being associated with colder climates, merino wool is surprisingly suitable for hot weather.

It has natural moisture-wicking properties that can keep you cool and comfortable. Merino wool is also lightweight and has the ability to regulate temperature, making it a versatile choice for various weather conditions.

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75% Чарапе од мерино вуне
Ова слика има празан атрибут; његово име датотеке је имаге-34.пнг

66% Чарапе од мерино вуне

Ова слика има празан атрибут; његово име датотеке је имаге-46.пнг

40% Чарапе од мерино вуне
Опширније: Best socks for extreme hot weather

Wear Loose-Fitting Clothes

In addition to choosing lightweight, breathable fabrics, it is also important to wear loose-fitting clothes in hot weather. Clothes that are too tight will restrict airflow and make you feel hotter. Loose-fitting clothes will allow air to circulate around your body, keeping you cool.

When choosing loose-fitting clothes, it is important to avoid clothes that are too baggy. Baggy clothes can get caught on things and be uncomfortable.

Long sleeves are generally recommended if you are planning to spend extensive amounts of times outdoors during the day, as the sun will harm your skin and put you at higher risk of heatstroke.

Женске мајице са дугим рукавима УПФ50+ са УВ заштитом од сунца које се брзо суши пливајућа мајица са заштитом од осипа

Вапор Аппарел Мен’с Оутдоор УПФ 50+ Мајица дугих рукава

Цоолибар УПФ 50+ Дечија кошуља за сурфовање дугих рукава Сандсхарк – заштита од сунца
Browse more UPF50+ shirts for extreme hot climates

Cover Your Head and Neck

The sun’s rays can cause heatstroke, so it is important to protect your head and neck in hot weather. A hat and sunglasses will help to protect you from the sun’s harmful rays.

When choosing a hat, it is important to choose a hat that will shade your entire head and neck. A baseball cap will not provide enough shade, so it is best to choose a wider-brimmed hat. A sun hat is a good option, as it will provide full shade for your head and neck.

Сомбриолет шешир за истраживање на отвореном

Цолумбиа Унисек Адулт Бора Бора Боонеи

Панама Јацк Месх Цровн Сафари шешир за сунце
Опширније: Best hat for extreme hot climates

In desert environments, where the sun’s intensity can be extreme, desert scarves like the keffiya or shemag can be incredibly useful. These versatile and breathable scarves can be wrapped around the head and neck, providing protection from the sun, прашина, and sand. Their design allows for efficient ventilation, making them a popular choice for those facing scorching temperatures.

Ова слика има празан атрибут; његово име датотеке је имаге-56.пнг
100% цоттон схемагх
Ова слика има празан атрибут; његово име датотеке је имаге-58.пнг

100% цоттон кеффииех
Ова слика има празан атрибут; име његове датотеке је имаге-57.пнг

Схемагх мешавина памука/полиестера
Опширније: Best desert scarves for hot, суве климе

When choosing sunglasses, it is important to choose sunglasses that have 100% УВ заштита. This will help to protect your eyes from the sun’s harmful rays. Sunglasses with polarized lenses will also help to reduce glare, which can be especially helpful if you are driving or spending time on the water.


СУНГАИТ Ултра лагане правоугаоне поларизоване сунчане наочаре УВ400 заштита

СУНГАИТ Поларизоване наочаре за сунце

Ручно рађене дрвене сунчане наочаре са УВ400 поларизованим сочивима & Спринг Темплес

Наочаре за сунце од дрвета ручно рађене за висећу мрежу

БНУС наочаре за сунце за мушкарце & Жене, Поларизована стаклена сочива, Отпорност на огреботине у боји

БНУС Сунглассес

АЦБЛУЦЕ дечије поларизоване спортске наочаре за сунце ТПЕЕ флексибилни оквир са подесивим ременом за дечаке и девојчице узраста 5-13

АЦБЛУЦЕ дечије поларизоване наочаре за сунце
Опширније: Best sunglasses for extreme hot weather

Choose Light Colors

It is believed that dark colors absorb heat, so it is best to choose light colors in hot weather. This will help to reflect the sun’s rays and keep you cool.

When choosing light colors, it is important to avoid white. White can be very bright and reflect sunlight into your eyes, which can be uncomfortable.

Light pastel colors are a good option, as they are light and airy without being too bright.

Best Fabric for Desert Clothing
Woman wearing long sleeve linen dress in the desert.

Wear Strong Sunscreen

Protecting your skin from the sun’s intense rays is crucial in hot weather. Applying a strong sunscreen with a high SPF rating can help prevent sunburn and reduce the risk of skin damage.

Make sure to apply the sunscreen generously and reapply it regularly, especially if you are sweating or spending extended periods outdoors.

Remember that sunscreen should be applied to all exposed skin, including your face, neck, arms, and legs. Don’t forget commonly overlooked areas like the tops of your feet and your ears.

Choosing a water-resistant sunscreen is particularly important if you plan to engage in activities involving water, such as swimming or water sports. Be cautious about the expiration date of your sunscreen and avoid using products that are past their prime.

СПФ 100 Банана Боат Спорт Ултра

СПФ 100 Неутрогена Ултра Схеер Дри-Тоуцх

СПФ 100 Ла Роцхе-Посаи Антхелиос

СПФ 110 Неутрогена Аге Схиелд
Опширније: Best sunscreen for extreme hot weather

Extreme Hot Weather Clothing FAQs

What are the best fabrics to wear in extreme hot weather?

The best fabrics to wear in extreme hot weather are lightweight, breathable fabrics that will help to wick away sweat and keep you cool. Some good choices include cotton, linen, and silk. Synthetic fabrics like polyester should be avoided, as they can trap heat and make you feel hotter.

These natural materials allow your skin to breathe and provide better air circulation, helping you stay comfortable even in scorching temperatures.

What are the best colors to wear in extreme hot weather?

Light colors are the best colors to wear in extreme hot weather, as they will reflect the sun’s rays and help to keep you cool. Dark colors absorb heat, so they should be avoided. Some good choices for light colors include white, light blue, light green, and light pink.

Opting for lighter shades not only keeps you cooler but also reduces the risk of overheating and sunburn associated with darker clothing.

What are the best types of clothing to wear in extreme hot weather?

Loose-fitting clothing is the best type of clothing to wear in extreme hot weather. Tight-fitting clothing can restrict airflow and make you feel hotter. Some good choices for loose-fitting clothing include shorts, сукње, dresses, and t-shirts.

By allowing air to circulate freely around your body, loose-fitting clothes prevent heat buildup and offer you more comfort during heatwaves.

Should I wear long sleeves in a heatwave?

It is generally not recommended to wear long sleeves in a heatwave, as this can trap heat and make you feel hotter. Међутим, there are some exceptions.

If you are going to be in direct sunlight for an extended period of time and especially if you are travelling to the desert, it may be a good idea to wear long sleeves made from a lightweight, breathable fabric, such as linen or cotton.

This will help to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays and prevent sunburn. Додатно, if you are prone to heat rash, wearing long sleeves can help to prevent this condition.

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