Construction Begins on World’s Largest Renewable Energy Project in Inner Mongolia

Construction has begun on the world's largest desert renewable energy project in Inner Mongolia, Кина. The project, being developed by China Three Gorges Corporation and Inner Mongolia Energy Group, has an estimated cost of $11bn. The project will include wind, solar, and energy storage and is expected to become the largest renewable energy project of its kind currently underway globally. The current construction phase includes 1GW of solar capacity equipped with energy storage.

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Научите да узгајате вино у израелској пустињи Негев у борби против климатских промена

Француски виноградари су све више заинтересовани за пустињско винарство као резултат климатских промена, инспирисан причама о успеху израелских винара у пустињи Негев. Према Међународној организацији за винову лозу и вино, климатске промене штете производњи вина на Медитерану, због све више…

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Спорт будућности: климатске промене и судбина зимских спортова

Спортска индустрија широм света суочава се са великим поремећајима због ефеката глобалног загревања у наредним деценијама, према новијим студијама. Снежни спортови као што је сноуборд, на скијање и санкање ће вероватно највише утицати климатске промене због пораста температура и смањења глечера. Скоро један…

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Чилеанска пустиња Атакама процвета неочекивано после зимске кише

Нешто заиста неочекивано догодило се прошлог месеца у Чилеу, када су пешчане дине пустиње Атакама изненада заживеле, са биљкама и цвећем који претварају пејзаж у дугу боја. Пустиња Атакама пре и после цветања Чилеанска пустиња Атакама је најсувље место на Земљи. Падавине…

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The Sahara Desert is Advancing in Mauritania

Mauritania is a country in northwest Africa, and much of its territory is covered by the Sahara Desert, which has been expanding over the past couple of decades due to several factors, including prolonged drought and overgrazing by livestock. Отприлике три четвртине Мауританије је пустиња или полупустиња, with nothing…

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No, Бурнинг Ман 2023 is Not Yet Canceled, But Warnings Arise

Бурнинг Ман 2023 has been postponed due to flooding caused by Tropical Storm Hilary. The event was scheduled to take place from August 27 to September 4, 2023, in the Black Rock Desert in Nevada. Међутим, Hilary made landfall in the area on August 20, bringing heavy rain and flooding. The playa, the dry lake bed where the event is held, was covered in several inches of water, and there was a risk of sinkholes and other safety hazards.

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The Phoenix city skyline is seen shrouded in haze as temperatures soar to record highs.
Phoenix skyline shrouded in haze as temperatures soar to record highs, with no sign of letting down anytime soon.

Can trees help save Phoenix from extreme heat?

Trees can help Phoenix become a cooler, healthier, and more livable city. They can reduce air temperature by up to 10 degrees Fahrenheit, improve air quality, and provide shade. There are a number of challenges to planting trees in Phoenix, but the city is making progress in its goal of planting more trees. With the efforts of the city, organizations, and individuals, Phoenix can become a city that is cooler, healthier, and more livable for everyone.

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