Naposledy aktualizováno v květnu 5, 2024

Sandboarding je specializovaný sport, který si dosud nezískal celosvětové uznání. Zatímco snowboarding byl přítomen na olympijských hrách od roku 1998, jeho pouštní ekvivalent se do her zatím nedostal.

Bylo řečeno, existují competitive sandboarding events held regurarly throughout the globe and even an annual Světový pohár v sandboardingu.

Sandboard World Cup

Organized by the International Sandboarding and SandSki Association (InterSands), the competition was held in Germany until 2007, nowadays it normally takes place on the dunes of Huacachina, Peru.

The last World Cup took place in 2019, when over 60 sandboarders from more than ten countries competed against each other in Slalom, Boarder Cross & Big Air competitions. Luka Flachenecker (slalom), Vitor Semedo (sandboard cross), and Daniel Vonach (freestyle) have been crowned Sandboard World Cup champions.

Sandboard World Cup 2019. Oáza Huacachina, Ica, Peru.

Competitive Sandboarding

Over the past two years the Sandboard World Cup could not be held in Peru due to the covid-19 pandemic, but alternative competitions took place on a smaller scale in Chile and Germany.

The Dragon Cup was held on the massive Cerro Dragón in Iquique (Chile), becoming the de facto world championship, attracting sandboarding enthusiasts and first timers from all over the planet.

Mount Kaolino v Hirschau (Německo) used to hold the World Cup until 2007, it is now home to a smaller competition that takes place every spring, named SandSpirit. Monte Kaolino is the only sand boarding facility in the world equipped with a lift.

Sandboarding Dragon Cup. Dračí kopec, Iquique, Chile.

InterSands remains committed to promoting development activities in the dunes and hopes to launch the next Sandboarding World Cup in 2023.

The most likely location remains the oasis of Huacachina in Ica, Peru; although many other countries have displayed interest in hosting the competition.

Dříve v tomto roce, the organization launched a project was launched with the aim to explore opportunities for the practice and promotion of this outdoor sport on the dunes of Southern Spain.

Sandboardingová místa po celém světě

Pískové sporty

Pískové sáňkování
Nástup na sopku

Lyžování na písku
Sand Kiting

Pouštní závody
Bouchání přes duny
Pouštní turistika & Kempování
Pouštní cestování
Pouštní kempování
Pouštní běh

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