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Sidst opdateret i september 6, 2023

Sand og salt er to almindelige materialer, der ofte findes sammen.

Imidlertid, der er tidspunkter, hvor du måske har brug for at adskille dem.

For eksempel, you may need to separate sand and salt if you are trying to make a brine solution, or if you are trying to clean up a spill.

There are a few different ways to separate sand and salt. The best method for you will depend on the amount of sand and salt you need to separate, as well as the equipment you have available.

Methods to Separate Sand and Salt


Decantation is the simplest method of separating sand and salt. It involves allowing the sand to settle to the bottom of the container, leaving the salt solution on top.

Dette kan fremskyndes ved at røre blandingen og derefter lade den sidde i et par minutter. Når sandet har lagt sig, du kan forsigtigt hælde saltopløsningen fra.


Filtrering er en anden simpel metode til at adskille sand og salt. Denne metode bruger et filter til at fange sandpartiklerne, lader saltopløsningen passere igennem.

Et kaffefilter eller ostelærred kan bruges som filter.


Centrifugering er en mere effektiv metode til at adskille sand og salt. Denne metode bruger en centrifuge til at rotere blandingen ved høj hastighed, hvilket får sandpartiklerne til at skille sig fra saltopløsningen.

Centrifugering kan bruges til store mængder sand og salt, og det er en hurtigere metode end dekantering eller filtrering. Imidlertid, det kræver en centrifugemaskine.


Opløsning er en metode til at adskille sand og salt, der involverer opløsning af saltet i vand. Sandet vil ikke opløses i vand, så det bliver efterladt.

Når saltet er opløst, opløsningen kan fordampes, efterlader sandet.

Magnetic Separation

Magnetisk adskillelse er en metode til at adskille sand og salt, der bruger en magnet til at tiltrække jernet i saltet. Sandet vil ikke blive tiltrukket af magneten, så det bliver efterladt.

Which Method is Best?

Den bedste metode til at adskille sand og salt vil afhænge af mængden af ​​sand og salt, du skal adskille, as well as the equipment you have available.

Hvis du kun skal adskille en lille mængde sand og salt, dekantering eller filtrering kan være de bedste metoder.

Hvis du skal adskille en stor mængde sand og salt, centrifugering eller opløsning kan være bedre muligheder.

Hvis det salt, du forsøger at adskille, indeholder jern, magnetic separation may be the best option.

Table salt (NaCl) is being separated from sand by dissolving the NaCl with water and performing gravity filtration. Kilde:
Learning Science with Mrs C Williams-Massey


There are a few different ways to separate sand and salt. The best method for you will depend on the amount of sand and salt you need to separate, as well as the equipment you have available.

By following the methods outlined in this article, you can easily separate sand and salt and get the results you need.

Læs også: Sådan adskilles sand og vand

Separating Sand and Salt FAQs

How do you separate sand and salt from water?

The easiest method to separate sand and salt from water is filtrering. This method uses a filter to separate the sand from the water. The sand particles are too large to pass through the filter paper, while the salt particles are small enough to pass through.

If you have a large amount of sand and salt, decantation or evaporation may be better options.

How do you separate sand and salt without water?

There are two main methods to separate sand and salt without water:

  1. Magnetic separation: This method uses a magnet to separate the sand from the salt. Salt is not magnetic, while sand can be magnetic depending on its composition.
  2. Centrifugation: This method uses a centrifuge to separate the sand from the salt. The sand particles are heavier than the salt particles, so they will be forced to the bottom of the centrifuge tube, while the salt particles will remain suspended in the liquid.

Can sand and salt be separated by distillation?

Ingen, sand and salt cannot be separated by distillation. Distillation is a process of separating the components of a liquid mixture by boiling the mixture and then condensing the vapor. Sand and salt are both solids, so they cannot be separated by distillation.

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