Dernière mise à jour en août 25, 2023

The East Coast of the United States is known for its humid subtropical and humid continental climates, which are not conducive to desert formation.

Deserts are typically found in arid and semi-arid climates, which are characterized by low rainfall and high evaporation rates, in order to qualify as a desert, an area of land must receive little to no precipitation.

Par conséquent, il y a no deserts in the East Coast of the United States.

Carte des déserts aux États-Unis
Carte des quatre principaux déserts américains

En réalité, the four major deserts of the US are all located in the Southwest.

The Chihuahuan Desert is the closest desert to the East Coast. It is located in the southwestern United States and Mexico, and it covers covers parts of Texas, Nouveau Mexique, Arizona.

Par conséquent, if you live in the East Coast and want to experience a “true” desert, your nearest destination would be Texas.

There are however a few locations in the East Coast that can give you a desert-like experience without driving that far:

Places in the East Coast That Feel Like a Desert

1. Parc national des Great Smoky Mountains

The Great Smoky Mountains National Park is a high-elevation park with a cooler climate than other parts of the East Coast. Cependant, the park also has a lot of open space and rocky terrain, which can give it a desert-like feel.

The park is home to a variety of plant life, including pine trees, fleurs sauvages, and shrubs.

The pine trees give the park a distinctive look, and the wildflowers bloom in the spring and summer. Le parc abrite également une faune variée, including black bears, cerf, et coyotes.

Activities you can enjoy there:

  • Randonnée: Le parc a plus 800 des kilomètres de sentiers de randonnée, allant de facile à difficile.
  • Camping: Il ya plus de 100 campgrounds in the park, offering a variety of camping options.
  • Faire de la pêche: Le parc a plus 300 miles of streams and rivers, making it a popular destination for fishing.
  • Birdwatching: Le parc abrite plus de 200 espèces d'oiseaux, making it a great place to go birdwatching.

2. Les Pinèdes

The Pine Barrens is a region of New Jersey that is home to a variety of pine trees. The region also has a sandy soil, which can be reminiscent of desert terrain.

The Pine Barrens is a low-lying area, which means that it can get very hot in the summer.

Activities you can enjoy there:

  • Randonnée: Il ya plus de 100 miles of hiking trails in the Pine Barrens, allant de facile à difficile.
  • Camping: Il ya plus de 20 campgrounds in the Pine Barrens, offering a variety of camping options.
  • Faire de la pêche: The Pine Barrens is home to over 300 species of fish, making it a popular destination for fishing.
  • Birdwatching: The Pine Barrens is home to over 200 espèces d'oiseaux, making it a great place to go birdwatching.
  • Conduite hors route: The Pine Barrens is a popular destination for off-road driving. There are designated areas where you can drive your vehicle on the sand and dirt.

3. The Outer Banks

Deltaplane au parc d'État de Jockey's Ridge, Tête de Nageurs, Caroline du Nord
Deltaplane au parc d'État de Jockey's Ridge, Tête de Nageurs, Caroline du Nord

The Outer Banks is a barrier island chain that is known for its sandy beaches and dunes.

The Outer Banks also has a mild climate, which makes it a popular destination for people who are looking for a desert-like experience without having to travel too far from the East Coast.

The Outer Banks is home to the highest sand dunes in the East Coast, and is an especially good destionation for those looking into recreational activities at the beach.

Activities you can enjoy there:

  • Swimming: The Outer Banks has some of the best beaches on the East Coast, making it a great place to go swimming.
  • Surfant: The Outer Banks is also a popular destination for surfing.
  • Kite flying: Kite flying is a popular activity in the Outer Banks, especially at Jockey’s Ridge State Park. The strong winds and open spaces make it a perfect place to fly kites.
  • Hang gliding: Hang gliding is another popular activity in the Outer Banks. Hang gliders can take off from the dunes at Jockey’s Ridge State Park and soar over the beaches and dunes.
  • Sandboard: Sandboarding is a popular activity in the Outer Banks. Sandboards can be rented at many shops in the area.

Lire aussi: La 10 La plupart des États désertiques aux États-Unis

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