Síðast uppfært í júlí 30, 2023

In the heart of the Oregon dunes, there’s a place where adrenaline junkies and art lovers alike can come together to experience the thrill of sandboarding.

Located in what some call “World’s Sandboarding Capital” of Florence, Oregon, Sand Master Park is the world’s first and only indoor sports facility entirely dedicated to sandboarding , and it offers 40 acres of dunes with slopes for all skill levels.

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Sandbretti í Sand Master Park. Flórens, Oregon.
Sandbretti í Sand Master Park. Flórens, Oregon.

Sandbretti er tiltölulega ný íþrótt, but it has quickly become popular all over the world. Sandboarders can reach speeds of up to 40 mph as they glide down the dunes, feeling the wind in their hair and the sand beneath their feet.

Sand Master Park was launched in 2000 by Lon Beale, a sandboarding enthusiast who saw the potential for a sandboarding park in the Oregon dunes.Beale has been involved in the sandboarding community for many years. He was one of the first people to start manufacturing sandboards in the United States, the very popular “Venomous sandboards”, sem og sandbrettavax.

Sand Master Park is the perfect place to learn how to sandboard or improve your skills. The park offers lessons for all levels, and there are plenty of experienced sandboarders who are happy to help beginners get started.

Once you’ve mastered the basics, you can explore the park’s many different slopes, from gentle to challenging. There are also plenty of jumps and obstacles for those who want to challenge themselves.

Fyrir utan sandbretti, Sand Master Park also offers a variety of other activities, including dune buggy rides, sandsleða, og sandskúlptúr. The park is also home to a pro shop, a snack bar, and a changing room.

Sandbretti til sölu

Slip Face Sandboards Diamondback Board
Slip Face Sandboards'
Diamond Back Terrain Sandboard
– 9 ply hlynur spónn þilfari
– Háþrýsti lagskipt grunnur, háglans
– Dakine stillanlegar fótólar
– Slip Face Sandboards fjölstillingar fótpúðar
- Hönnun á svelghala

Slip Face Sandboard Kestrel WingTail
Slip Face Sandboards'
Kestrel Wing 127
– 9 ply hlynur spónn þilfari
- Lágt núningsgrunnur
– Dakine stillanlegar fótólar
– Slip Face Sandboards fjölstillingar fótpúðar
- Hönnun á svelghala

Ef þú ætlar að fara sandboarding in the Oregon coast, you can rent a board from Sand Master Park even if you don’t plan to use the on-site facilities. Sandboards and sand sleds are rented on a first come first served basis. The rental price includes free sandboard wax, free parking, free dune access, and the ability to take the boards to any of the other unique dune locations.

Auk þess, Sand Master Park also hosts a variety of free annual events, including sand sculpting contests, beach labyrinths, og fleira.

Sand Master Park sand dunes. Flórens, Oregon
Sand Master Park sand dunes. Flórens, Oregon

Visit the Sand Master Park website to learn more and book your trip today.

Sand Master Park, EÐA

Sand Master Park is a world-renowned sandboarding park located in Florence, Oregon.

The park is also home to a variety of other activities, including dune buggy rides, sandsleða, og sandskúlptúr. The park is open from 9am to 5pm, sjö daga vikunnar. The admission fee is $15 fyrir fullorðna, $12 for seniors, og $10 for children ages 6-12. Sandboards and sand sleds are available for rent at the park.

To reach Sand Master Park, take exit 168 off of Highway 101 if you are coming from the north, or exit 172 if you are coming from the south. There is plenty of free parking available at the park.

  • The park is about a 2-hour drive from Portland and a 1-hour drive from Eugene.
  • There is no public bus that goes directly to Sand Master Park. Hins vegar, you can take a bus to Florence and then walk or take a taxi to the park.
  • The nearest airport is the Eugene Airport, which is about a 45-minute drive from Sand Master Park.
  • If you are coming from the north, take exit 168 off of Highway 101.
  • If you are coming from the south, take exit 172 off of Highway 101.
  • The park is open from 9am to 5pm, sjö daga vikunnar.
  • The admission fee is $15 fyrir fullorðna, $12 for seniors, og $10 for children ages 6-12.
  • Sandboards and sand sleds are available for rent at the park.

Sandbretti kort í Bandaríkjunum

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