最終更新日: 6 月 12, 2023

The Anadarko Sand Dunes are a group of sand dunes located in southeastern New Mexico, アメリカ, near the city of Hobbs.

The dunes are composed of wind-blown sand and cover an area of approximately 10 平方マイル (26 km2). 最も高い砂丘, called “The Big Dune,” is 600 フィート (180 メートル) 高い.

アナダルコ砂丘, ニューメキシコ州, アメリカ合衆国
アナダルコ砂丘, ニューメキシコ州


The Anadarko Sand Dunes are a popular tourist destination, offering opportunities for hiking, キャンプ, そしてサンドボーディング. The dunes are also home to a variety of wildlife, コヨーテを含む, ウサギ, そしてトカゲ.

The Anadarko Sand Dunes are a remnant of a much larger dune field that once covered much of southeastern New Mexico.

The dunes were formed by the wind over millions of years, as sand was blown from the nearby Guadalupe Mountains.

The dunes are constantly shifting and changing shape, as the wind continues to blow the sand around.

The Anadarko Sand Dunes are a great place to enjoy the outdoors and have some fun. オフロードの人気スポットです, キャンプ, とハイキング.

The dunes are a beautiful sight to see, and they offer a variety of activities for people of all ages.


The Anadarko Sand Dunes are located in the Mescalero Sands Recreation Area, 約 15 miles west of Roswell. There are a few ways to reach Anadarko Sand Dunes:

  • 車で: The easiest way to reach the dunes is by car. From Hobbs, 高速道路に乗る 54 West for about 10 マイル. Turn right onto Amador Road and follow it for about 2 マイル. The dunes will be on your left.
  • By bus: There is no public bus service that goes directly to the dunes. でも, you can take a bus to Hobbs and then take a taxi or Uber to the dunes.
  • By bike: The dunes are also accessible by bike. From Hobbs, 高速道路に乗る 54 West and turn right onto Amador Road. Follow Amador Road for about 2 miles and then turn left onto the dirt road that leads to the dunes.

また読む: アメリカの砂丘
