6월 마지막 업데이트 12, 2023

사막에 대피소를 짓는 것은 어려운 일이 될 수 있습니다, 특히 가혹하고 용서할 수 없는 요소에 직면했을 때.

하지만, 필수적으로 갖춰야 할 기술이다., 특히 당신이 이 열악한 환경에 고립되어 있다면 더욱 그렇습니다..

적절한 계획으로, 준비, 그리고 약간의 지략, 뜨거운 태양으로부터 피난처 역할을 할 피난처를 건설할 수 있습니다., 잔혹한 바람, 그리고 침투하는 모래.

가을의 황량한 땅 사이에 있는 나무 오두막
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사막 대피소 건설

위치 선택

사막 대피소의 올바른 위치를 찾는 것이 중요합니다.. Look for natural features that offer shade and protection, such as rock formations or dunes. These features can provide a solid foundation and partial cover for your shelter.

더구나, consider the prevailing wind direction to ensure proper ventilation and minimize the intrusion of sand and dust. Clear the area of any debris, sharp objects, or vegetation that could hinder construction or pose safety hazards. Once you have identified a suitable spot, proceed to the next step.

재료 수집

사막에서, it’s essential to make the most of the materials available to you. Seek out rocks, sandbags, branches, or any other sturdy natural resources that can be used in building your shelter.

These materials will serve as the foundation and structure for your refuge. If you have access to a tarp or large piece of fabric, it can be used to cover the shelter and provide protection from the elements.

하지만, if such materials are not available, don’t worry – you can utilize blankets, ponchos, or even layers of vegetation like palm fronds or brush as temporary coverings.

대피소 건설

To construct the shelter, start by assembling a sturdy frame using the gathered branches or long poles. An A-frame structure or a dome shape is effective in withstanding desert conditions.

Secure the branches together using rope or natural materials like vines to ensure stability. Once the frame is in place, cover it with the available materials, making sure to fasten them securely.

If using a tarp or fabric, drape it over the frame and tie it down. If using blankets or vegetation, layer them over the frame and secure them using ropes or rocks. This covering will provide shade and protection from the intense desert sun and wind.

대피소 확보

사막에서, protecting your shelter from the harsh elements is essential for your safety and comfort. Here are some considerations to secure your shelter against the specific challenges posed by the desert environment:

  1. 태양 보호: To shield your shelter from the intense desert sun, consider adding additional layers of shade. Use reflective materials like emergency blankets or aluminum foil on the exterior of the shelter to deflect sunlight and reduce heat absorption. Position your shelter in a way that maximizes shade throughout the day, taking advantage of natural features like cliffs or large rocks.
  2. Wind Protection: Desert winds can be strong and relentless, so it’s crucial to reinforce your shelter to withstand gusts. Ensure that your shelter is securely anchored to the ground using ropes, cords, or stakes. 가능하다면, position the entrance of the shelter away from the prevailing wind direction to minimize the ingress of sand and dust.
  3. Sand Protection: Sand infiltration can be a major challenge in the desert. To prevent sand from entering your shelter, seal any gaps or openings with breathable fabric or mesh screens. You can also create a small vestibule or entryway using a tarp or fabric to act as a buffer zone, allowing you to remove any sand from your clothes and shoes before entering the main shelter area.
  4. Rain Protection: While rain may be rare in the desert, it’s important to be prepared for unexpected downpours and flash floods. Ensure that your shelter covering is waterproof or treated with a water repellent substance. 가능하다면, construct your shelter in a location that provides natural drainage to prevent water accumulation.
  5. Maintenance and Repairs: Regularly inspect your shelter for any signs of damage or wear. Repair any tears or weak points in the covering, reinforce the frame if necessary, and replace any worn-out ropes or stakes. Performing routine maintenance will help ensure the long-term durability and effectiveness of your shelter.

또한 읽기: 사막 생존 팁

사막 보호소 FAQ

사막에 피난처를 짓는 데 사용할 수 있는 재료는 무엇입니까??

A variety of materials can be used to build a shelter in the desert, 바위를 포함하여, branches, leaves, and sand. You can also use materials that you may have brought with you, such as a tarp or tent.

라마다 란 무엇입니까??

A ramada is a simple shelter made of posts and branches, with a roof that provides shade from the sun. 남서부의 많은 사막 문화에서 전통적인 유형의 피난처입니다., 비교적 건설하기 쉬운 대피소입니다.

사막 대피소에 적합한 위치를 선택하는 방법?

암석과 같은 자연적 특징이 있는 위치를 선택하세요., 모래 언덕, 또는 그늘과 보호를 제공하는 절벽.

통풍을 위해 풍향을 고려하고 모래 및 먼지 침입을 최소화합니다.. 대피소를 짓기 전에 해당 지역의 잔해와 위험 요소를 제거하십시오..

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