Sist oppdatert i august 2, 2023

juli 27, 2023 — The scorching heat wave that has gripped Phoenix this summer is anything but normal. With temperatures consistently above 110 grader Fahrenheit, the city is breaking multiple records and putting residents at risk.

Phoenix bysilhuett sees innhyllet i dis mens temperaturen stiger til rekordhøye høyder.
Phoenix skyline innhyllet i dis mens temperaturen stiger til rekordhøye høyder, uten tegn til å svikte når som helst snart.

"This is not normal,” said Dr. Erinanne Saffell, Arizona’s state climatologist. "We’re seeing temperatures that are well above what we would expect for this time of year."

The heat wave is being driven by a number of factors, including a persistent high-pressure system that is trapping hot air over the region. This is being exacerbated by climate change, which is making heat waves more frequent and more intense.

The effects of the heat wave are being felt by everyone in Phoenix, but they are particularly dangerous for the most vulnerable residents. The elderly, the homeless, and those with chronic health conditions are at increased risk of heat-related illness.

"Heat stroke is a serious medical emergency, and it can be fatal,” said Dr. Saffell. "If you see someone who is experiencing heat stroke, call 911 immediately."

Phoenix is no stranger to extreme temperatures. The city has a long history of heat waves, and it is one of the hottest cities in the United States. men, the current heat wave is unlike anything the city has seen before.

It is an out-of-the-ordinary occurrence, and it is something that we should be concerned about for the future.

Climate change is making heat waves more frequent and more intense. This is because the Earth’s atmosphere is trapping more heat, which is causing the planet to warm. As the planet warms, heat waves will become more common and more severe.

The heat wave in Phoenix is not an isolated event. Extreme heat is becoming more common all over the world, as a result of climate change. The effects of extreme heat are not just limited to human health. Heat waves can also damage infrastructure, crops, og dyreliv.

We need to take action now to mitigate the effects of extreme heat. We can plant trees, create more green spaces, and make our homes and businesses more energy-efficient. These are just a few of the things we can do to help reduce the impact of heat waves on our communities.

We also need to take action to address climate change. The more we emit greenhouse gases, the more extreme heat waves we will experience. We need to transition to a clean energy economy and reduce our reliance on fossil fuels.

The heat wave in Phoenix is a wake-up call. It is a reminder that climate change is a serious threat, and that we need to take action now. We cannot afford to ignore this problem any longer.

Les også: How to stay safe in a heatwave & Tips for sleeping throughout a heatwave

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External Sources:

ABC15: Phoenix is ground zero for extreme heat affecting more people than you think

Washington Post: Burning pavement, scalding water hoses: Perils of a Phoenix heat wave

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