Ostatnia aktualizacja: listopad 22, 2023

Anioły – Sand sledding is back this winter season. The Los Angeles County Department of Beaches and Harbors builds sand hills and berms on several beaches every winter to prevent flooding.

These sand structures also offer a fun and free winter activity for sand sledding lovers.

Los Angeles Sand Sledding Season 2023-2024
W Los Angeles rozpoczyna się sezon na sanki piaskowe

Sand sledding is a popular winter tradition in Southern California. From mid-November until late February, thousands of visitors flock to the LA beaches to slide down the sandy slopes with their sleds and toboggans.

The sand sledding season normally starts after Thanksgiving, kiedy nasypy piaskowe zostaną ukończone i gotowe do użycia. Many families and friends gather at the beaches to enjoy the holiday weekend and have some fun in the sun.

Here are some of the best beaches where you can enjoy sand sledding:

Punkt Mugu, Malibu. Najbardziej znanym miejscem do sandboardingu w Los Angeles jest Point Mugu w Malibu.

The Point Mugu Sand Dunes make an excellent spot for sandboarding and sand sledding all year round, gdzie można również podziwiać wspaniałe widoki na zachód słońca Malibu. On the east end of Thornhill Broome Beach there is a massive sand dune.

Stok kończy się w pobliżu autostrady, ale jazda jest powolna i uchroni Cię przed koniecznością powrotu do pojazdu.

Adres zamieszkania: 9000 W. Autostrada wybrzeża Pacyfiku, Malibu, CA 90265.

Plaża Zuma, Malibu. Sand berms are erected every year at Zuma Beach after Thanksgiving as a protection from winter storms and floods, and provide a seasonal alternative to Point Mugu for sandboarding in Malibu.

This is the best sand sledding spot if you are looking for large, steep dunes and a good workout.

Adres zamieszkania: 30000 Autostrada wybrzeża Pacyfiku, Malibu, CA 90265.

Plaża w Wenecji. Prawdopodobnie najbardziej popularne miejsce na zimowe sanki na wydmach w LA, co roku pod koniec października aż do wiosny budowany jest ogromny nasyp piaskowy położony na południe od molo w Venice Beach.

Najbliższy taras do Venice Beach to? 50 do 60 jardów od parkingu Washington Boulevard.

Venice Beach is also known for its eclectic and vibrant culture, with street performers, artists, and vendors along the boardwalk.

Adres zamieszkania: 2700-3100 Spacer nad oceanem, Wenecja, CA 90291.

Plaża Hermosa. Another beach where artificial sand dunes are built in winter and are publicly accessible for sand sledding is Hermosa Beach.

Hermosa Beach is located in the outskirts of Los Angeles and its slopes are not very steep, making it one of the best spots for dune sleddings for young kids to practice their skills.

Adres zamieszkania: Aleja Hermosy & 33ul, Plaża Hermosa, CA 90254.

Park piaszczystych wydm na plaży Manhattan. This park has a natural sand dune that is open to the public for sand sledding on weekends and holidays, with a reservation system and a small fee.

It is a hidden gem in the upscale and elegant beach city, with a 100-foot-high sand dune that offers a challenging and thrilling ride. The park also has a playground, a fitness area, and a nature trail.

You need to book your sand sledding session online in advance, and bring your own sled and helmet.

Adres zamieszkania: 33ul & Bell Avenue, Plaża Manhattan, CA 90266.

Plaża stanowa Dockweiler, Plaża Kinga. This beach has a long and wide sand berm along the beach, offering plenty of space and variety for sand sledding enthusiasts.

It is a three-mile-long beach with a bike path, fire pits, and picnic areas. It is also the only beach in LA County where you can watch planes take off and land from the nearby LAX airport.

The sand berm is at the south end of the beach, near the RV park and the youth center.

Adres zamieszkania: 12000 Widok morza, Plaża Kinga, CA 90293.

To enjoy sand sledding, you need to bring your own sled, disc saucer, or toboggan. You can also use cardboard boxes, plastic trays, or anything else that can glide on the sand.

Jednakże, avoid using metal, wood, or glass materials that can cause injuries or damage the sand berms. You should also wear sunscreen, okulary słoneczne, and comfortable clothes that you don’t mind getting sandy.

Sand sledding is a great way to have fun with your family and friends, while also getting some exercise and fresh air.

It is also a unique and eco-friendly alternative to snow sledding, as it does not require any artificial snow or machines.

Więc, grab your sled and head to the beach to enjoy the sand sledding season in LA.

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Mapa Sandboardingu USA

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