Last Updated on February 27, 2024

Песак је резултат ерозије стене и може бити у различитим бојама у зависности од које врсте минерала је направљен.

There is of course yellow sand in most beaches, наранџасти и црвени песак у пустињи, али и бели песак од гипса и црни песак у виду вулканског пепела. Али постоји ли нешто попут плавог песка?

У ствари, плави песак постоји у природи, иако тренутно не постоји таква ствар као а плажа са плавим песком било где у свету, иако неке плаже са тамним песком могу ноћу да светле плаво због спољних фактора.

Плави песак од содалита, пронађено у региону Кунене у Намибији
Плави песак од содалита, пронађено у региону Кунене у Намибији

Плави песак

Да би се пронашао заправо природно плави песак мораћете у земљу Намибију у Африци где је велика налазишта плавог содалита може се наћи.

Ове минералне плоче су остаци рударења који их је делимично претворио у песак, који за разлику од обичног песка није био последица ерозије ветра и воде.

Плави содалит на локалитету је такође помешан са сивим доламитом, дајући песку светлији плаво-сиви изглед.

Остали плави минерали могу се вештачки претворити у плави песак, као што су ретки лазулит камен који се налази у североисточном Авганистану.

Међутим, its rarity and high value make it difficult for most people to come into contact with it.

Another rare blue-ish mineral is blueschist, a type of rock that forms from volcanic rock under certain pressure and temperature conditions.

This rock can be found in several countries where volcanos are present, укључујући и Сједињене Државе, Јапан, Грчка, Нови Зеланд, и Италија.


Sodalite is a blue mineral, chemically composed of sodium, aluminum, silicon, and oxygen. It is a member of the feldspathoid group of minerals and can be found in volcanic rocks, as well as in some igneous and metamorphic rocks.

It is often used as a gemstone due to its rich blue color and is also used in jewelry and as an ornamental stone. У Намибији, large deposits of blue sodalite can also be found, which partially turn into blue sand as a result of mining activities.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is a deep blue semi-precious stone that has been prized for thousands of years for its intense color and unique appearance.

It is composed primarily of the minerals lazurite, calcite, and pyrite and is often used in jewelry, carvings, and as a pigment for painting.

Lapis lazuli is particularly well-known for its use in the art and culture of ancient Egypt and the Renaissance. It is still widely sought after today, especially for its use in fine jewelry and luxury goods, and is considered a valuable commodity due to its rarity and beauty.

Most lapis lazuli is mined in Northeastern Afghanistan, where it is found in relatively small quantities.


Blueschist is a type of metamorphic rock that forms under high pressure and low temperature conditions.

It is blue in color due to the presence of the mineral glaucophane, and it is often found in areas that have been subjected to tectonic plate collision and subduction.

Blueschist is typically found in mountain ranges and along plate boundaries and is often used as a marker for ancient tectonic activity.

Плаве пешчане плаже

Најближа ствар коју можете пронаћи а плава пешчана плажа је феномен познат као светлећа плажа који се јавља на неколико локација у свету где се луминисцентни песак ноћу постаје плав на ограничено време због присуства микроорганизама и под одређеним светлосним условима.

These glowing beaches are rare and found in only a few locations around the world, making them a special and fascinating experience for travelers and beach-goers.

Сјајна плава пешчана плажа на острву Ваадхоо, Малдиви.
Сјајна плава пешчана плажа на острву Ваадхоо, Малдиви.

Испод, неколико локација на којима је ова појава уочена:

Москуито Баи, Порторико

Неформално познат као „Биолуминисцент Баи“, Москуито Баи у Порторику налази се на острву Виекуес и познат по својој биолуминисценцији која привлачи туристе из целог света. Песак на овој плажи је тамно сив, скоро црне боје, али често ноћу почиње да светли плаво због присуства алги пиродинијум бахаменсе.

To reach Mosquito Bay in Puerto Rico, you can fly into San Juan’s Luis Muñoz Marín International Airport and then take a connecting flight to Vieques. Одатле, you can take a taxi or rent a car to reach the bay. Another option is to take a ferry from the mainland to the island of Vieques and then take a taxi to the bay.

Ваадхоо Исланд, Малдиви

Острво Ваадхоо је мало, ретко насељен локација на Малдивима позната по својој плажи која светли у мраку. Поново, Овај феномен настаје услед присуства микроорганизама званих динофлагелати који живе у води и почињу да светле кад год су поремећени.

To reach Vaadhoo Island in the Maldives, you can fly into Malé International Airport, the main international gateway to the Maldives. Одатле, you can take a speedboat or a local ferry to reach Vaadhoo Island. The island is also easily accessible by private yacht or liveaboard. Once you reach the island, it’s just a short walk to the beach.

Koh Rong Island, Cambodia

Koh Rong in Cambodia is another location famous for its glowing plankton that sparkle like a starry sky at night. The phenomenon is best observed in areas with low light pollution. Koh Touch and Saracen Bay are the main tourist areas on Koh Rong Island and Koh Rong Samloem, редом, but the easiest way to see the plankton is by booking a boat tour.

The island is easily reachable from Sihanoukville, taking a ferry or speedboat to the island.

Luminous Lagoon, Jamaica

Luminous Lagoon is located in Jamaica and is famous for its bioluminescent waters that emit a bright blue light at night. This natural wonder is due to the presence of microorganisms called dinoflagellates which emit light whenever the water is agitated. This creates a breathtaking view of the water glowing with a blue light.

To reach Luminous Lagoon in Jamaica, you can fly into Montego Bay’s Sangster International Airport and then take a taxi or a tour to reach the lagoon. The lagoon is located near Falmouth and is easily accessible by boat.

Cockle Bay, Нови Зеланд

Cockle Bay is located in Auckland, New Zealand and is famous for its glowing sand. The sand glows due to the presence of luminescent plankton which washes up on the shore. Cockle Bay is a popular spot for picnics and barbecues and is a great place to enjoy a unique natural experience.

To reach Cockle Bay in New Zealand, you can fly into Auckland International Airport and then take a taxi or a public transport to reach the bay. The bay is located in the suburb of Howick and is easily accessible by foot.

Sea of Stars – Vaadhoo Island, Малдиви

Прочитајте такође: бео & Плаже са црним песком у Сједињеним Државама

Blue Sand FAQs

What is blue sand?

Blue sand refers to sand that has a blue coloration, which is distinct from the more common yellow, orange, or white sand found in many places.

Blue sand can occur naturally in various locations and is often associated with specific minerals or geological processes. It can be found in the form of blue sodalite, a mineral composed of sodium, aluminum, silicon, and oxygen.

Blue sand can also be artificially created by processing certain minerals like lapis lazuli or through the presence of luminescent microorganisms that give the sand a blue glow at night.

Are there any beaches with blue sand?

No, there are no beaches with naturally occurring blue sand.

Међутим, there are a few locations in the world where dark-sand beaches can glow blue at night due to certain factors like the presence of bioluminescent microorganisms.

These glowing beaches offer a unique and enchanting experience for visitors.

Where can I find blue sand?

Blue sand made of sodalite can be found in the Kunene region of Namibia in Africa.

Large deposits of blue sodalite can be found there, and mining activities have resulted in the formation of blue sand. Додатно, rare blue minerals like lapis lazuli and blueschist can also be artificially turned into blue sand.

What is sodalite?

Sodalite is a blue mineral composed of sodium, aluminum, silicon, and oxygen.

It is a member of the feldspathoid group of minerals and can be found in volcanic rocks, as well as in some igneous and metamorphic rocks. Sodalite is often used as a gemstone and is known for its rich blue color.

What is lapis lazuli?

Lapis lazuli is a deep blue semi-precious stone composed primarily of lazurite, calcite, and pyrite. It has been prized for thousands of years for its intense color and unique appearance.

Lapis lazuli is widely used in jewelry, carvings, and as a pigment for painting. Most lapis lazuli is mined in Northeastern Afghanistan.

What is blueschist?

Blueschist is a type of metamorphic rock that forms under high pressure and low-temperature conditions. It is blue in color due to the presence of the mineral glaucophane.

Blueschist is often found in areas that have experienced tectonic plate collision and subduction. It is commonly used as a marker for ancient tectonic activity.

Where can I see glowing blue sand beaches?

Some locations where glowing blue sand beaches have been observed include Mosquito Bay in Puerto Rico, Vaadhoo Island in the Maldives, Koh Rong Island in Cambodia, Luminous Lagoon in Jamaica, and Cockle Bay in New Zealand.

These beaches exhibit a mesmerizing blue glow at night due to the presence of bioluminescent microorganisms or luminescent plankton.

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