Информације о пустињи: шта је пустиња и које су многе врсте топлих и хладних пустиња, пустињски туристички водичи и занимљиве чињенице.

Coos Bay Sand Dunes: A Must-Visit Destination for UTV Enthusiasts

The Coos Bay Sand Dunes in the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area are a must-see destination for UTV enthusiasts. The dunes, located just north of Coos Bay, offer designated sand roads, шуме, and year-round beach access. Navigating the dunes can be tricky, so it's important to familiarize yourself with main landmarks and access points, and to have adequate tires.

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As Drought-Ridden California Desert Braces for a Superbloom, Experts Fear Crowds Trampling Ecosystem

The California desert is bracing for a potential superbloom following recent record-breaking rain. While the colorful display is sure to be breathtaking, experts warn that the crowds drawn to the event could damage fragile ecosystems. Visitors are encouraged to enjoy the blooms responsibly and stay on designated trails.

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Манхаттан Беацх Парк Санд Дуне: Workout, Rules and Reservations

Manhattan Beach Sand Dune Park offers a unique workout experience with its 100-foot high sand dune. The steep incline and soft sand provide a challenging climb for fitness enthusiasts. The park also features 208 steps for an alternative workout, and is popular among amateur and professional athletes such as Troy Polamalu and Kobe Bryant. The park is also known for its playground and picnic facilities, and is a must-visit destination in Manhattan Beach.

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Construction Begins on World’s Largest Renewable Energy Project in Inner Mongolia

Construction has begun on the world's largest desert renewable energy project in Inner Mongolia, Кина. The project, being developed by China Three Gorges Corporation and Inner Mongolia Energy Group, has an estimated cost of $11bn. The project will include wind, solar, and energy storage and is expected to become the largest renewable energy project of its kind currently underway globally. The current construction phase includes 1GW of solar capacity equipped with energy storage.

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Carberry Desert and Spirit Sands: A Guide to Manitoba’s Unique Sand Dunes

The Carberry Sandhills, also known as Spirit Sands, Carberry Desert, or Manitoba Desert, is a unique landscape located in the southwestern part of Manitoba, Канада. It is one of the very few areas of sand dunes in the country. Despite its name, the Manitoba Desert is not a true desert,…

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