Meet Dune’s Unique Creatures: Sandworms and Sandtrout

In the universe of Frank Herbert’s Dune series, the desert planet of Arrakis is home to two unique and fascinating creatures: the Sandworms and the Sandtrouts. These creatures play a significant role in the socio-political landscape of the universe due to their connection with the production of the valuable substance known as ‘the spice’ or ‘melange’.

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Hvað er Drum Sand in Dune?

Drum sand er skáldað hugtak sem birtist í vísindaskáldsögunni Dune. Þessi sérstaka tegund af sandi sem gefur frá sér hljóð er fyrst nefnd í upprunalegu skáldsögunni sem Frank Herbert skrifaði. Í skáldskaparheiminum "Dune," trommusandur er tegund af sandi sem framleiðir djúp, resonant hljóð…

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