Meet Dune’s Unique Creatures: Sandworms and Sandtrout

In the universe of Frank Herbert’s Dune series, the desert planet of Arrakis is home to two unique and fascinating creatures: the Sandworms and the Sandtrouts. These creatures play a significant role in the socio-political landscape of the universe due to their connection with the production of the valuable substance known as ‘the spice’ or ‘melange’.

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Dune'da Davul Kumu Nedir??

Drum sand, bilim kurgu serisi Dune'da görünen kurgusal bir kavramdır.. Bu özel ses yayan kum türünden ilk olarak Frank Herbert tarafından yazılan orijinal romanda bahsedilir.. kurgusal evreninde "Kumdan tepe," davul kumu, derin bir kum üreten bir kum türüdür., yankılanan ses…

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