Путнички водич кроз пустињу Соноран

Док путујете по Сједињеним Државама, једно од најсликовитијих места које можете посетити је величанствена пустиња Сонора, највећа врућа пустиња у земљи, која се простире дуж Калифорније, Аризона и граница са Мексиком. Пустиња Сонора је очаравајућа пустињска дестинација за откривање пејзажа који одузимају дах,…

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Тхе 10 Most Desert States in the US

Nevada is the most desert state in the US, са преко 75% of its land area covered in desert. This makes Nevada home to some of the most iconic desert landscapes in the country, including Death Valley National Park and Great Basin National Park. Other states with a lot of desert land include Arizona, Цалифорниа, Утах, and New Mexico.

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The Phoenix city skyline is seen shrouded in haze as temperatures soar to record highs.
Phoenix skyline shrouded in haze as temperatures soar to record highs, with no sign of letting down anytime soon.

Can trees help save Phoenix from extreme heat?

Trees can help Phoenix become a cooler, healthier, and more livable city. They can reduce air temperature by up to 10 degrees Fahrenheit, improve air quality, and provide shade. There are a number of challenges to planting trees in Phoenix, but the city is making progress in its goal of planting more trees. With the efforts of the city, organizations, and individuals, Phoenix can become a city that is cooler, healthier, and more livable for everyone.

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