Senast uppdaterad i oktober 17, 2023

As the planet warms up, heatwaves are becoming more common. This can make it difficult to sleep, as the excessive heat can make it hard to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Person sleeping outdoors in the heat
Periods of prolonged heat can disturb sleep, amongst other health harzards.

These prolonged periods of hot weather can have a number of dangerous effects on human health, including sleep disturbance, värmeslag, värme slag, and dehydration.

Sleep disturbance is a common problem during heatwaves. The excessive heat can make it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep. This is because the body has to work harder to cool down, which can disrupt sleep.

In addition to making it difficult to fall asleep, heatwaves can also cause people to wake up more often during the night and to have shorter sleep duration. This can lead to fatigue, irritability, and difficulty concentrating.

Heatwaves Can Disrupt Sleep, Worsen Sleep Apnea

Heatwaves can disrupt sleep, making it harder to fall asleep and stay asleep, according to a new study published in the journal Sleep.

The study, which looked at data from more than 4,000 people in the United States, found that people were more likely to report poor sleep during heatwaves. They were also more likely to report symptoms of sleep apnea, a sleep disorder characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep.

"Heatwaves can disrupt sleep in a number of ways,” said study author Dr. Raj Dasgupta, a sleep medicine specialist at Keck Medicine of USC. "The excessive heat can make it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep, and it can also worsen symptoms of sleep apnea."

Heatwaves can also make it harder to regulate body temperature, which can interfere with sleep. When people are too hot, their bodies have to work harder to cool down, which can make it difficult to fall asleep.

Dessutom, the noise and light pollution that often comes with heatwaves can also disrupt sleep.

The study found that the effects of heatwaves on sleep were more pronounced in people who were already at risk for sleep problems, such as older adults and people with chronic health conditions.

"If you are at risk for sleep problems, it is important to take steps to protect your sleep during heatwaves,” Dasgupta said. "This includes staying hydrated, avoiding caffeine and alcohol before bed, and creating a cool and dark sleep environment."

Tips for Sleeping Through a Heatwave

1. Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids, speciellt vatten, throughout the day:

Hydration is crucial during a heatwave as it helps regulate body temperature and aids in a more restful sleep.

Drink water regularly to stay hydrated and promote better sleep quality.

Kom ihåg, staying hydrated also helps avoid morning grogginess, which can be common during hot and uncomfortable nights.

Keeping a water bottle by your bedside can serve as a reminder to hydrate both during the day and at night, making sure you wake up feeling refreshed and energized.

2. Avoiding caffeine and alcohol before bed:

Caffeine and alcohol can dehydrate the body, disrupt sleep patterns, and make it harder to fall asleep. Opt for non-caffeinated beverages in the evening to support a good night’s rest.

Istället, try a soothing herbal tea before bedtime to promote relaxation.

Herbal teas like chamomile, lavender, or valerian root have calming properties that can ease tension and help prepare your mind and body for a peaceful night’s sleep.

3. Creating a cool and dark sleep environment:

Set the thermostat to a comfortable temperature and use blackout curtains or blinds to block out light. A cool and dark sleep space can enhance sleep comfort during hot nights.

Consider using a sleep mask to further block out any unwanted light for deeper rest.

Sleep masks create a complete blackout effect, even in bright rooms, and can help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.

Dessutom, investing in breathable and moisture-wicking bedding can further improve your sleep environment, preventing discomfort from night sweats and allowing you to wake up feeling refreshed and well-rested despite the heatwave.

4. Taking a cool shower or bath before bed:

A refreshing shower or bath before bedtime helps lower body temperature, preparing you for a cooler and more relaxing sleep.

Let your hair air dry or use a cooling hair wrap to prevent discomfort from damp hair during sleep.

Cooling hair wraps are designed to wick away moisture and promote airflow, keeping your head cool and dry throughout the night.

This simple addition to your bedtime routine can make a significant difference in your comfort and sleep quality during the heatwave.

5. Avoiding strenuous activity during the day:

Exercising intensely during a heatwave can make it harder to fall asleep at night. Engage in light activities and take breaks to avoid overexertion.

Yoga or gentle stretching can be a great way to relax the body before bedtime.

Gentle stretches and yoga poses can help release tension, soothe sore muscles, and promote relaxation.

Incorporating a brief evening stretching routine into your pre-sleep rituals can signal your body that it’s time to wind down and prepare for a restful night, even amidst the soaring temperatures.

6. Getting plenty of rest during the day:

Proper daytime rest can make you feel more tired at night, promoting better sleep during a heatwave. Take short naps if needed to feel refreshed.

Avoid long naps close to bedtime to ensure you are tired enough for a good night’s sleep. Aim for short power naps lasting no more than 20-30 minutes earlier in the day.

These quick bursts of rest can recharge your energy without interfering with your nighttime sleep, keeping you energized and alert throughout the heatwave.

7. Use a fan or air conditioner to keep your bedroom cool:

A fan or air conditioner can circulate air and maintain a comfortable sleeping environment during hot nights.

Position the fan to create a cross breeze or use a fan with a timer to avoid getting too cold during the night. Experiment with the fan’s angle and speed to find the most comfortable setting.

For those with allergies or sensitive airways, consider using a fan with a built-in air purifier to reduce airborne allergens and pollutants, ensuring a clean and refreshing sleep environment.

The best type of fan to cool down a room during a heatwave is a tower fan, but some strong oscillating fans can also do the job. Make sure that the fans are quiet as not to disturb your sleep even further.

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8. Bär löst sittande, ljusa kläder:

Light and breathable clothing can help you stay cool and comfortable while sleeping through a heatwave.

Consider using moisture-wicking pajamas to keep sweat away from your skin.

Moisture-wicking fabrics are designed to pull moisture away from your body, promoting evaporation and preventing the sticky discomfort of sweating during sleep.

Opt for loose, flowy fabrics to allow for better airflow and a more comfortable sleep experience.

9. Eat light meals and snacks before bed:

Avoid heavy or spicy foods that may cause discomfort while sleeping. Opt for light, easily digestible meals to support a more restful slumber.

Enjoy a small bowl of yogurt or a banana as a bedtime snack to promote relaxation.

Foods like yogurt contain tryptophan, an amino acid that can increase serotonin levels in the brain, inducing a sense of calm and relaxation.

Dessutom, bananas are a natural source of potassium, which can help regulate muscle contractions and prevent nighttime leg cramps, allowing you to enjoy a more uninterrupted and comfortable sleep despite the heat.

10. Avoid watching TV or using electronic devices in bed:

Blue light emitted from electronic devices can interfere with the body’s production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep. Disconnect from screens before bedtime for better sleep quality.

Consider reading a physical book or practicing relaxation techniques before sleep instead. Reading a book can be a calming and screen-free way to wind down before bed, preparing your mind for sleep.

Engaging in relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises or progressive muscle relaxation can also help alleviate stress and tension, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the heatwave.

11. Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day:

Consistency in sleep schedule helps regulate the body’s sleep-wake cycle,

Even on weekends or days off, try to stick to your regular sleep schedule as closely as possible.

Our bodies thrive on routine, and maintaining a consistent sleep-wake pattern can help improve overall sleep quality and promote better adaptation to the challenges of sleeping through a heatwave.

Läs också: Heatwave Survival Tips

I’ve lived in a hot climate my entire life, so I know a thing or two about sleeping through a heatwave.

One of my best tips is to take a cool shower or bath before bed.

This helps to lower your body temperature and make it easier to fall asleep. I also like to use a fan or air conditioner to keep my bedroom cool.

i alla fall, if you’re worried about getting too cold during the night, you can always set a timer on your fan or air conditioner.

Hope these tips help you get a good night’s sleep. Tyvärr, heatwaves are something we are all going to have to learn to live with.

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