Последњи пут ажурирано марта 10, 2023

Desert long trail riding is one of the most challenging environments known to any dirt bike rider, conditions are tough on the rider and their machinery, and when you add the elements of extreme heat, remote locations, wild animals and unknown terrain, you have all of the ingredients for a buffet of unpredictability.

In order to prepare for desert riding, it’s important to know what gear is necessary to protect yourself and your bike, as well as how to properly set up your bike’s gearing for optimal performance.

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Dirt bikes racing in the desert
Dirt biking in the desert

Essential Bike Parts for Desert Long Trail Riding

When it comes to successfully navigating the challenging terrain of the desert, there exist a number of indispensable items that are absolutely crucial, spanning from safeguarding the rider’s well-being to fine-tuning the performance of the motorcycle itself.

Испод, a list of accessories that are specifically designed to enhance the quality of your journey through the arid and vast terrain of the desert, thereby ensuring a significantly smoother and more comfortable experience.

Steg Pegz

Steg Pegz have become an essential accessory for desert riders, providing a plethora of benefits that enhance control and reduce fatigue. With the rider gripping the bike more with their legs than their arms, Steg Pegz have the power to help you ride further and faster, with more stability and control.

These accessories are particularly useful for navigating through harsh terrain and steep inclines or declines. With an extra point of contact between rider and bike, accidents are less likely to occur.

Mousse Tubes

Mousse tubes are a brilliant substitute for traditional inflatable tubes, especially when it comes to desert riding. The condensed ring of foam inserted into the tire in place of the inflatable tube makes it less prone to punctures, meaning you can enjoy your ride without interruptions.

Mousse tubes also maintain consistent tire pressure and prevent flats, an absolute must-have on rocky terrain. While mousse tubes may need replacement after some time, the long-lasting benefits make them an excellent choice for desert riders.

Desert Tyres

The right tire selection is crucial for desert riding. The tread pattern of desert tires should be effective in shedding sand and dirt and have chunky knobs that are close together, providing superior grip and control on sandy or rocky terrain. Durability is also essential, ensuring tires last long enough to withstand the unforgiving desert conditions.

Engine Protection

Protecting your engine is essential when riding in the desert. Consider adding a PC Racing Filterskin, which is designed to catch up to 90% of dirt and is fairly straight-forward to set up.

Not only are Filterskins easy to install, but they are a cost-effective solution to prolonging the life of your air filter. Додатно, it is crucial to keep an eye on the temperature gauge and carry extra engine coolant to prevent engine damage due to overheating.

Blister Prevention

Desert riding can cause blisters on your hands, so consider using Racing Gloves to prevent them. These types of gloves are specially designed for off-road riding, providing necessary padding in critical areas, reducing pressure and friction on the hands.

The grip on handlebars is also enhanced, which is crucial in navigating rough terrain. Свеукупно, investing in a good pair of racing gloves is a smart move for desert riders, making their experience more comfortable and enjoyable.

Dirt bike sprocket
Desert Bike Sprocket Gearing

Sprocket Gearing

Sprockets are the gears that transfer power from the engine to the rear wheel, and the size of these sprockets plays a crucial role in determining the overall performance of the bike.

In desert riding conditions, where the terrain can be unpredictable and demanding, the right sprocket gearing can make all the difference in terms of power, брзина, and control.


One of the most popular gearings among desert riders is 14/50. This set up offers a great balance of power and control, making it perfect for tackling steep hills and challenging terrain. Тхе 14 front sprocket provides enough power to climb steep inclines, док 50 rear sprocket allows for better control and stability at high speeds. This gearing is also known to have a long lifespan, making it a cost-effective option for riders who frequent the desert.


Another popular choice among desert riders is 14/48. This set up is great for tackling technical terrain and tight turns. Тхе 14 front sprocket provides plenty of power, док 48 rear sprocket offers a good balance of speed and control. This gearing is also known to be great for valley runs and is often used by riders who race in the desert.


For riders who prefer a slightly shorter gearing, 13/50 is a great option. This set up is perfect for rocky areas and offers a good balance of power and control. Тхе 13 front sprocket provides enough power to tackle steep inclines, док 50 rear sprocket offers stability at high speeds. This gearing is also known to have a long lifespan, making it a cost-effective option for riders who frequent rocky terrain in the desert.


Another popular option for desert riders is 14/49. This set up is great for all types of desert terrain and offers a good balance of power and control. Тхе 14 front sprocket provides plenty of power, док 49 rear sprocket offers a good balance of speed and control. This gearing is also known to be great for outdoor tracks and is often used by riders who race in the desert.

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